On functional results of treatment of recurrent rhegmatogenous retinal detachment after multiple endovitreal interventions




The present report is an extension of the study, in which on a large clinical material, the ratio of procedures used at this time for retinal detachment was shown, and the frequency of relapses after extrascleral and endovitreal surgeries was analyzed.

The purpose of the study is to determine the terms of relapse occurrence, and to estimate visual function after multiple endovitreal procedures.

Materials and methods. The study was carried out in the Ophthalmological Center of the City Hospital No. 2 of St. Petersburg. The data of 116 case histories of 23 patients (28 eyes) repeatedly admitted to the department of vitreoretinal surgery of the center and operated (2 to 7 times) for recurrent rhematogenous retinal detachment in 2015-2016 were analyzed.

Results. Multistage endovitreal surgery in patients with recurrent retinal detachment in most cases (78.6%) leads to significant decrease of visual functions; in incomplete retinal adherence in the lower segments after extrascleral surgery, additional scleral buckling or barrier laser retinal photocoagulation can be used.


Andrei Shchukin

Saint Petersburg City Multifield Hospital No 2

Email: shchukin.a.d@mail.ru

PhD, Ophthalmologist. Saint Petersburg City Multifield Hospital No 2

俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg


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