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Vitalii V. Potemkin

Pavlov First St. Petersburg State Medical University; City Multidiscipline Hospital No. 2

Email: potem@inbox.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7807-9036
SPIN 代码: 3132-9163

Cand. Sci. (Med.), Head of the Microsurgical Department (eyes) No. 5

俄罗斯联邦, 6-8, L’va Tolstogo st., Saint Petersburg, 197022; Saint Petersburg

Olga A. Marchenko

City Multidiscipline Hospital No. 2

Email: oamarchenko@yandex.ru


俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg

Elena V. Goltsman

City Multidiscipline Hospital No. 2

Email: ageeva_elena@inbox.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2568-9305


俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg

Liliya K. Anikina

Pavlov First St. Petersburg State Medical University

Email: lily-sai@yandex.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8794-0457

Postgradeate student

俄罗斯联邦, 6-8, L’va Tolstogo st., Saint Petersburg, 197022

Ekaterina K. Gladysheva

Pavlov First St. Petersburg State Medical University

Email: gladysheva.e.k@ya.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9186-0994

Resident of the Department of Ophthalmology

俄罗斯联邦, 6-8, L’va Tolstogo st., Saint Petersburg, 197022


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2. 图.1. 手术治疗前的伤口外观,伤口底部由肉芽组织组成,边缘有深袋,眼睑闭合不全3毫米 Fig. 1. Appearance of the wound before surgery, granulation tissue in the wound bed, profound pockets at the edges, incomplete eyelid closure (3 mm)

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3. 图.2. 多处移植皮瓣,疤痕性鼻梁畸形 Fig. 2. Multiple transplanted skin flaps, cicatricial deformity of the bridge of the nose

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4. 图3. 眼眶的螺旋计算机断层扫描:a,b—右侧上眼睑区域的气泡Fig. 3. Spiral computed tomogram of orbits. a, b – air bubble at the right of the upper eyelid area

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5. 图4. 手术步骤:清理并修整伤口边缘(a),清除底部和边缘的肉芽组织(b,c)Fig. 4. Stages of surgery: renewal of the wound edges (a) and removal of granulation tissue from the bottom and from the edges (b, c)

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6. 图5. 手术步骤。耳后:移除植皮(a),止血(b),伤口用结节缝合(c)Fig. 5. Stages of surgery. Behind-the-ear area: skin graft is removed (a), hemostasis (b), wound sutured with interrupted sutures (c)

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7. 图.6. 用游离皮瓣闭合缺损(a),用结节和连续缝合固定(b) Fig. 6. Defect closure with a free skin flap (a), fixation with interrupted and running sutures (b)

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8. 图7. 术后一个月的伤口外观Fig. 7. Appearance of the wound. One month after surgery

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9. 图8. 重复手术治疗:a—清除肉芽组织,清理并修整伤口边缘;b—从耳后取皮瓣;c—固定皮瓣Fig. 8. Repeated surgical treatment: a – removal of granulation tissue and renewal of the wound edges; b – taking a skin flap from the behind-the-ear area; c – fixation of the skin flap

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版权所有 © Potemkin V., Marchenko O., Goltsman E., Anikina L., Gladysheva E., 2021

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