DNA-cytometric characteristics of primary soft tissue sarcomas

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Aim. Determination of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) content and cell distribution in mytotic cycle phases in the groups of patients with primary soft tissue sarcomas.

Methods. Study material was the tumours of patients with primary soft tissue sarcomas. Study methods included histological, DNA cytometric and statistical methods.

Results. Differences in proliferative activity and proliferation index in primary sarcomas depending on the tumor differentiation grade and disease stage were revealed. Differences in the numbers of diploid, aneuploid and polyploid cells depending on the cell cycle phases were determined in each group and between groups. Depending on the differentiation grade of soft tissue sarcoma, parameters of the cell cycle in soft tissue sarcomas were as follows: well-differentiated tumors (G1) were diploid in 100% of cases, and moderately differentiated tumors (G2) were aneuploid in 50% of cases. Poorly differentiated tumors (G3) were characterized by significantly higher content of aneuploid cells, in comparison with G2 tumors (33.1±5.2 and 16.5±6.8, respectively). Analysis of kinetic parameters of cell cycle demonstrated decreased proportion of cells in G1/G0 cell cycle phase from G1 to G3, accompanied by a statistically significant increase of the proportion of cells in S phase (p ˂0.05).

Conclusion. DNA cytometric study of cell cycle parameters demonstrated high biological potential of primary soft tissue sarcomas; high malignant potential can probably be determined by two parameters: proportion of the cells in G2+М phase and cell loss factor.

About the authors

I A Novikova

Rostov Scientific Research Institute of Oncology

Author for correspondence.
Email: iftrnioi@yandex.ru
Rostov-on-Don, Russia

E M Nepomnyashchaya

Rostov Scientific Research Institute of Oncology

Email: iftrnioi@yandex.ru
Rostov-on-Don, Russia

E P Ul’yanova

Rostov Scientific Research Institute of Oncology

Email: iftrnioi@yandex.ru
Rostov-on-Don, Russia

O N Selyutina

Rostov Scientific Research Institute of Oncology

Email: iftrnioi@yandex.ru
Rostov-on-Don, Russia

T A Aliev

Rostov Scientific Research Institute of Oncology

Email: iftrnioi@yandex.ru
Rostov-on-Don, Russia

L N Vashchenko

Rostov Scientific Research Institute of Oncology

Email: iftrnioi@yandex.ru
Rostov-on-Don, Russia

T V Ausheva

Rostov Scientific Research Institute of Oncology

Email: iftrnioi@yandex.ru
Rostov-on-Don, Russia

E I Zolotareva

Rostov Scientific Research Institute of Oncology

Email: iftrnioi@yandex.ru
Rostov-on-Don, Russia


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© 2017 Novikova I.A., Nepomnyashchaya E.M., Ul’yanova E.P., Selyutina O.N., Aliev T.A., Vashchenko L.N., Ausheva T.V., Zolotareva E.I.

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