Medico-demographic situation in prisons of Volga federal district in the period of the penal system reforming

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Aim. To assess tendency in medico-demographic indicators of persons held in prisons of Volga Federal District in the period of the penal system modern reforming (2006-2014).

Methods. Assessment of the studied contingent quantitative and qualitative medico-demographic indicators dynamics, the most relevant for the prisons for the 2006-2014. Forecasting of studied indicators for the period up to 2017 was conducted. Intensive and extensive indicators calculation and their dynamic comparison were performed.

Results. Changes of demographic indicators for the 2006-2014 period involve the total number of prisoners reduction, the proportion of women increase and the proportion of teenagers decrease, reduction the punishment serving duration, migration processes intensification. The studied contingent, which was held in the prisons of the Volga Federal District, in the vast majority (91.0%) was presented by male persons. The mean age of convicted is 30.9 years. The mean term of punishment in prisons is 7.6 years. During the 2006-2014, the constant tendency of the studied contingent mortality increase due to the continuing increase in the number of patients with socially significant diseases amid decrease of the total number of persons held in prisons was registered. In 2014, the mortality rate was 7.1‰, which is 36.5% higher than in 2006 (5.2‰). The leading causes of death were infectious and parasitic diseases (37.1%). Studied medico-demographic indicators changes had significant regional features.

Conclusion. Revealed significant changes in the medico-demographic indicators of studied contingent, definitely affecting the penalty system medical service activity, dictate the necessity of considering them when adopting the strategy of medical care organization in prisons.

About the authors

A M Tulenkov

Scientific and Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.

E V Dyuzheva

Scientific and Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation


K A Romanov

Scientific and Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation



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© 2016 Tulenkov A.M., Dyuzheva E.V., Romanov K.A.

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