Modern approaches to local treatment of pyo-necrotic complications of the diabetic foot syndrome

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The analysis of publications devoted to modern methods of treatment of pyo-necrotic complications of diabetic foot syndrome has been presented. Identified were the most important principles of therapeutic tactics for this type of pathology. In order to create optimal conditions for wound healing after surgical sanitation local drug treatment is carried out - a thorough wound detersion with application of the isotonic sodium chloride solution or a neutral bathing solution, periodic (as needed) necrectomies, application of bandages, in accordance with the phase of wound healing process. The choice of medication for local treatment depends on the one hand on the type of lesion of the lower limbs, on the other - on the diabetes related morbidity and phase of wound healing. In the first phase of wound healing antiseptics are used: iodophors, polyhexanide (lavasept), hydroxymethyl quinoxaline dioxide (dioxidine), and in the absence of ischemia - compositions based on gelevine, water-soluble base ointments. In the second phase used were various wound covers based on collagen, as well as oil and hydrogel dressings. Ready-to-use bandages are also used, which are multi-layered system, comprised of a cellulose substrate, collagen, fibroblasts, growth factor, coated with plates of silicon to control humidity. The disadvantage of the ready-to-use dressings is the impossibility of controlling the wound on a daily basis. One of the trends in the treatment of chronic diabetic wounds is the use of living skin cells that serve as a source of growth factors, cytokines and other proteins that stimulate the healing process. The use of local immunomodulators is seen as promising. Treatment should be individualized and systemic antibiotic therapy is required. The main principle of local treatment is the creation of optimal conditions for accelerating the healing process.

About the authors

L E Slavin

Kazan State Medical Academy, Kazan, Russia

B N Godzhaev

Kazan State Medical Academy, Kazan, Russia


A Z Zamaleev

Regional Clinical Hospital at the station Kazan, Kazan, Russia


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© 2012 Slavin L.E., Godzhaev B.N., Zamaleev A.Z.

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