Experience of the Republic of Tatarstan in the implementation of early intervention model to support infants with developmental disorders and disabilities

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Aim. To evaluate the effectiveness of implementing the program of early intervention in the Republic of Tatarstan, which provides medical and psycho-pedagogical support of infants with developmental disorders and disabilities. Methods. The following methods were used: analytical, expert, comparative and systematic approach. Results. Gained results indicate the high efficiency of new forms and approaches for supporting infants with diseases and developmental disabilities with a focus on early intervention techniques in a background of phased health care. The advantages of an embedded algorithm of prenatal diagnosis of development disorders in children, as well as neonatal screening for hereditary pathology of infants, audiologic and electrocardiographic screenings of newborns, are shown, allowing timely diagnosis and early correction of disorders, including high-tech methods use. The positive trends of the performance of early intervention offices in children’s’ outpatient departments are stressed, resulting in infants harmonious and optimal neuro-psychological development and improvement of their quality of life. The positive aspects of children’s rehabilitation institutions of social security system activities are highlighted, which include the use of modern technologies of medical and social rehabilitation. The positive changes of disability rate for many nosologic forms, mortality, as well as the number of cases of abandoned newborns, were registered. Conclusion. Implementing the program of early intervention provides an opportunity to influence the health status and quality of life in infants with developmental disabilities and handicapped infants, to promote their social integration, to prevent disabilities in infants and parents refusals to educate their children (social orphanage).

About the authors

A Z Farrakhov

Ministry of Health Care of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

E G Ignashina

Ministry of Health Care of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, Russia

M M Sadykov

Children’s outpatient clinics №9, Kazan, Russia

Email: M.Sadykov@tatar.ru

E P Zubova

Children’s outpatient clinics №9, Kazan, Russia


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© 2014 Farrakhov A.Z., Ignashina E.G., Sadykov M.M., Zubova E.P.

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