Educational process at the department of ophtalmology of Kazan state medical university. Stages of establishment and set up

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In 2012 it will be 205 years since the teaching of ophthalmology was started in Kazan. Since that time the teaching methodic has passed different stages starting from simple passive teaching to complex interactive teaching using the curricula modules. The method was introduced at the department in 2010 according to the latest state educational standard. The curricula is formed by several modules (practical skills, emergencies in ophthalmology, terminology) that are scored separately. The approach allows to increase the students’ activity at the classes, motivates for advanced reading and out-of-class studying and helps to acquire all the skills and knowledge better.

About the authors

A M Nugumanova

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia


G K Khamitova

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia

A N Samoilov

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia


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© 2012 Nugumanova A.M., Khamitova G.K., Samoilov A.N.

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