Comparative assessment of different methods of congenital glaucoma surgical treatment considering patient’s age

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Aim. To study the effectiveness of antihypertensive operations of trabeculotomy ab externo and sinus trabeculoectomy in our modification in patients with congenital glaucoma and to justify its application. Methods. The following surgeries were performed: trabeculotomy ab externo - on 57 eyes of 51 patients, sinus trabeculoectomy - on 46 eyes of 42 children, classic trabeculoectomy - on 23 eyes of 19 patients, and trabeculoectomy with elements of intrascleral autodrainage in our modification - on 23 eyes of 23 patients. Among them, 22 patients were younger than 1 month, aged from 1 to 6 months - 30, from 6 months to 1 year - 18, from 1 to 3 years - 15 and from 3 to 5 years old - 8 patients. Results. Long-lasting hypotension was achieved in 86.95% of patients after sinus trabeculoectomy, in 80.39% of patients after trabeculotomy ab externo. The best results were obtained in patients younger than 6 months. In the older age groups, antihypertensive effect of trabeculotomy ab externo markedly decreased and was only 50% at the age of 3-5 years. The results after sinus trabeculoectomy were comparable in all age groups. Conclusions. Trabeculotomy ab externo can be recommended as an operation of choice during the first months of life in congenital glaucoma patients, based on the characteristics of the anterior chamber angle.

About the authors

T K Toykuliev

Turkmen State Medical University, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan



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