Left ventricle remodeling electrocardiography criteria of survival assessment in Q-wave myocardial infarction patients

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Aim. To study the survival in patients with Q-wave myocardial infarction depending on features of left ventricle remodeling on electrocardiography. Methods. 10-year overall survival and heart diseases associated survival rates depending on features of left ventricle remodeling on electrocardiography were studied in 87 patients who had survived an acute myocardial infarction with Q wave. The first group included 45 patients who fulfilled electrocardiographic criteria for left ventricle adaptive remodeling, the second group included 42 patients with electrocardiographic features of left ventricle maladaptive remodeling. The survival in both groups was estimated using the Kaplan-Meier’s curves. Results. There was a highly significant inverse relationship between age and survival rate of the patients with Q-positive myocardial infarction. 40 patients succumbed by the end of the observation period, among them - 20 (50%) due to heart diseases. 20 (50%) patients died from non-cardiac events, among them - ischaemic stroke, neoplasms and accidents (most common - alcohol intoxication, 5,8% each). Chronic heart failure was most common reason of death in both groups, and it prevailed in the group of patients with left ventricle maladaptive remodeling electrocardiographic features. According to the gained data, there were no significant differences observed in overall survival in both groups during the whole follow-up period. In assessment of survival associated with heart diseases, the differences close to the statistically significant were found. Conclusion. The comparison of the overall survival depending on left ventricle remodeling electrocardiographic features did not detect any reliable differences, while in case of heart diseases associated survival assessment differences close to the statistically significant were found.

About the authors

G M Khayrutdinova

Regional Emergency Medical Center, Naberezhnye Chelny, Russia

Email: hairutdinova-gulnara@mail.ru


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© 2013 Khayrutdinova G.M.

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