Author Details

Р., П.

Issue Section Title File
Vol 34, No 2 (1938) Articles Study of the toxin and antitoxin of hemolytic streptococcus V. Titration by means of the flocculation reaction PDF
Vol 34, No 2 (1938) Articles Viability of phagocytosed virulent H. influenzae PDF
Vol 34, No 2 (1938) Articles Active immunization with ricinoleate vaccines against acute poliomyelitis PDF
Vol 34, No 2 (1938) Articles The role of the liver in guinea pig acute anaphylactic shock PDF
Vol 34, No 2 (1938) Articles Apparent antigenicity of plastin PDF
Vol 34, No 2 (1938) Articles Group-specific differentiation of human feces with special regard for the presence of group AB PDF
Vol 34, No 3 (1938) Articles Further immunizing division of enterococci PDF
Vol 34, No 3 (1938) Articles Diagnostic and prognostic value of Meinicke's reaction in tuberculosis PDF
Vol 34, No 3 (1938) Articles On the serological detection of the antigen of cheesy decay and pus in macroscopically unchanged organs with tuberculous cavities in the lungs PDF
Vol 34, No 3 (1938) Articles To the question of serological differences in monkeys of the Old (Catarrhini) and New (Platyrrhini) world PDF
Vol 34, No 7 (1938) Articles The phenomenon of skin hypersensitivity to bacterial filtrates, its relation to anaphylatoxin, Forssman antibodies and serum toxicity PDF
Vol 34, No 7 (1938) Articles Effect of epinephrine and ephedrine on anaphylactic reactivity in actively sensitized animals PDF
Vol 34, No 7 (1938) Articles Does the administration of ascorbic acid protect guinea pigs from anaphylactic shock PDF
Vol 34, No 8-9 (1938) Articles Study of the purified difperine antigen PDF
Vol 34, No 8-9 (1938) Articles Passage of diphtheria antitoxin to the brain PDF
Vol 34, No 8-9 (1938) Articles On innate immunity to smallpox vaccine. Study of the role of antibodies neutralizing the virus PDF
Vol 34, No 8-9 (1938) Articles Studying whooping cough sticks. Action of the BAC antigen. pertussis when administered intranasally PDF
Vol 34, No 10 (1938) Articles Pneumococcal toxin and antitoxin PDF
Vol 34, No 10 (1938) Articles Quantitative test for swelling of the capsule, pneumococcus in the serum of pneumonia PDF
Vol 34, No 10 (1938) Articles About serological types of meningococcus PDF
Vol 34, No 10 (1938) Articles Experiments in vaccination of epidemic poliomyelitis in rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, mice, chickens and ferrets PDF
Vol 34, No 10 (1938) Articles An attempt to detect choriomeningitis and encephalitis viruses from St. Louis 8 in the serum of poliomyelitis patients without paralysis PDF
Vol 33, No 5 (1937) Articles Pfannenstiel und Quante, Effect of neosalvarsan and germanine on bactericidal activity in rabbit blood. A message to the question of the indirect action of these chemotherapeutic agents. Ztschr. f. Immunitätsf., Bd 88, H 1/2 1936) PDF
Vol 33, No 5 (1937) Articles Hirzfeld und Halber. Study of the serological specificity of pathologically altered organ tissues. Communication II. On the question of the immunobiology of pus. (Ztschr. F. Immunitätstf., Bd. 88, H. 1/2, 1936). PDF
Vol 33, No 5 (1937) Articles Wieland. Serodiagnosis of guinea pig serum tuberculosis and its significance for the experimental study of tuberculosis (Ztschr. F. Immunitätsf .. Bd 88, H. 1/2 193) PDF
Vol 33, No 5 (1937) Articles Króe, N. Spontaneous apathogenic trypanosomal infection of rabbits (Ztschr. F. Immunitätsf., D. 88 H 1/2, 193) PDF

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