Vol 30, No 2 (1934)

The professional fate of trauma neurotics

Dzhigit A.I.


Despite a huge literature on traumoneurosis, there is one issue that has been relatively little covered so far: this is the question about the professional fate of traumoneurotic patients, about the dynamics of their ability to work, about their movements from one type of work to another. This article is devoted to this question.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):133-139
pages 133-139 views

Experience in evaluating the dust factor by analyzing occupational pathology material

Friedland I.G., Feinstein S.S., Koltsova E.M.


Scientifically based establishment of hygienically permissible concentrations of dust is possible only on the basis of comparison of air dustiness and health condition of the relevant group of workers. With the exception of a large work by Magrоverdate, based on extensive material, we know of almost no attempts to approach the question from such a point of view. It therefore seemed advisable to make observations on workers in certain occupations exposed to more or less constant concentrations of dust.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):140-144
pages 140-144 views

Project of the structure and work of the sanitary-technical propaganda base: sanitary culture house (central and district) for the autonomous republic, territory, region and district

Vekslin I.Z.


According to the directives of the State Planning Committee, People's Commissariat for Health Care and special resolutions of the Soviet government, it was planned to create in the second five-year plan in each regional center-central (regional), and in all district centers and large enterprises - district houses of sanitary culture - bases of sanitary technical propaganda for management of sanitary and cultural and mass work for mobilization of the workers' amateurism at the health care front.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):145-150
pages 145-150 views

History and internal picture of the disease

Luria R.A.


The main task of the general practitioner, especially in our era of building a new socialist society, is to recognize diseases of the internal organs as early as possible, when one can practically count on recovery and full restoration of a person's ability to work. If we exclude acute illnesses, the majority of patients with early forms of disease are those millions of workers who pass through outpatient clinics, polyclinics and dispensaries and who are relatively rarely admitted to hospitals not only for treatment but, most importantly, for the timely establishment of correct disease recognition.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):151-161
pages 151-161 views

Mitogenetic radiation in the blood of cancer patients and healthy people

Shlyapnikov V.F., Komissar I.G.


Study of mitogenetic rays now occupies not only biologists and physicists, but also chemists, pathologists, clinicians, etc. The issue of mitogenetic radiation is thoroughly covered in a monographic work by the author of the radiation phenomenon Prof. A.G. Gurvich himself. Here we do not aim at a critical analysis of Prof. Gurvich's theoretical views in connection with the problem of mitogenetic radiation, which was done by Zolotov in the journal "For Marxist-Leninist Natural Science" 1932, No 5-6; we only emphasize that in the problem of mitogenetic radiation the works on blood emanation occupy a significant place, which is also the topic of this report, based on experiments with the blood of cancer and sarcomatosis patients and healthy people.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):180-183
pages 180-183 views

On the homoorganic action of lysates

Genes S.G., Peisakhovich I.M.


In lysate therapy, one of the most underdeveloped issues is the question of which lysates act on a given disease. Usually in the practice of lysate therapy, it is assumed that lysates act on homologous organs, so we try to find out the affected organs and prescribe lysates accordingly.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):184-186
pages 184-186 views

On the treatment of sullem poisoning with bismuth

Stepukhovich D.M.


Professor S.S. Zimnitsky in his lectures on cardiac and renal diseases (1927 edition) mentions a specific method of treatment of bismuth sulm poisoning. Under my observation there were 2 patients treated with bismuth successfully. The case histories are of interest, besides the bismuth treatment, also for their clinical course.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):187-188
pages 187-188 views

Surgical treatment of high-lying rectal neoplasms

Iofan Y.M., Kudryavtsev A.A.


Currently, the dominant surgical interventions for high-lying rectal neoplasms are intraperitoneal and sacral methods. The latter methods, which are well established, have a great statistical record both in our Union and among surgeons in the West and America. However, we cannot say that we are completely satisfied with these methods: peritoneal-sacral method has a high mortality rate (47%), sacral method has less mortality but is also not without shadows. In the following lines we intend to describe the method applied by us on May 5, 1933, in case of high colon cancer of the patient M. Shchetinina, 39 years old.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):189-189
pages 189-189 views

To the casuistry of the "blood vessels" suture

Sadovsky I.I.


The operation of vascular suture is so far a rare operation especially on some vessels. This in turn is the reason of our little experience and difficulty, based on the small available material, to establish the exact limits of indications for vascular suture operation and find out its advantages over vascular ligation.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):190-192
pages 190-192 views

Prolan and folliculin

Malinin A.I.


Removal of the anterior pituitary gland by extirpation, an operation considered impossible for a long time due to the special anatomical position of this gland, along with disturbed growth and metabolism, leads to a number of profound changes in the sexual apparatus: heat ceases, atrophy of the sexual apparatus takes place and, as a secondary phenomenon, the sexual instinct weakens. The opposite is observed when a small piece of the pituitary gland is transplanted. If the pituitary gland is transplanted to a non-mature animal, rapid puberty ensues, the ovaries enlarge, the follicles mature, which burst, giving rise to the formation of yellow bodies, with all the secondary phenomena in the sexual apparatus: uterine hypertrophy, the phenomenon of uterine heat from the vagina, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):193-204
pages 193-204 views

Diseases of the digestive system

Luria R.A.


In the preface to his book, Prof. R.A. Luria writes: "Diseases of the digestive organs are undoubtedly the most frequent diseases with which the therapist has to deal. It is impossible not to agree with this, as well as with the idea that this area of internal medicine is the least familiar to a wide range of physicians.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):204-205
pages 204-205 views

Experimental studies of the child's higher nervous activity

Galant I.


The State Research Institute of Sanitation and Hygiene of Children and Adolescents (OZD and P) of the NKZ RSFSR published in 1933 a number of collections, which are all of great interest and testify to the vigorously developed and highly placed scientific work of the Institute.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):205-206
pages 205-206 views

Effect of diet on the Ca and Ph content of breastfeeding mother's milk

Herz В.


The author, referring to the close relationship of Ca and Ph in metabolism and changes in its content under various pathological conditions (rickets, spasmophilia), set out to study changes in the amount of Ca and Ph in mother's milk, depending on its increased and decreased content in the received food ration.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):206-206
pages 206-206 views

On direct and indirect natural feeding at the mother's breast


Prof. Brüning briefly reviews the literature on the benefits of feeding an infant directly to the mother's breast over breastfeeding with expressed milk.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):207-207
pages 207-207 views

About cerebral vascular weakness

Kretschmer Е.


Kretschmer introduces a new concept of "cerebral vascular weakness" by analogy, or, as a. himself says, in the same sense in which they speak in relation to another part of the vascular system, "cardiac weakness".

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):207-207
pages 207-207 views

On catechins

Blum F.


Blum distinguishes in opposition to hormones, which are in the body excitatory effective substances (Treibstoffe), catechins-Bremsstoffe-or "inhibitory substances" (from the Greek word-contain in known limits), whose role is to prevent the increased activity (Ueberwirkung) of hormones, or to soften and modify their action.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):207-207
pages 207-207 views

Cases of pellar psychosis in Schlesia

Weissenfeld F.


Weissenfeld reports cases of pellar psychosis in Schlesia, Germany.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):207-208
pages 207-208 views

To the problem of defectiveness in mild forms of schizophrenia

Sukhareva G.E.


The author concludes that in mild forms of schizophrenia there are no strictly limited defective states, but only defect-symptoms along with process-symptoms.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):208-208
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Peculiarities of character changes in heteronormal schizophrenia

Galant I.


Friedman distinguishes from schizophrenia on a schizoid background (premorbid personality, schizoid) schizophrenia that develops in persons with a heteronormal schizophrenic premorbid character.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):208-208
pages 208-208 views

Developmental schizophrenia and process-psychosis

Galant I.


Finkelstein cites two typical cases of schizophrenia, of which one is regarded as "developmental schizophrenia" and the other as procedural schizophrenia ("process-psychosis").

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):208-209
pages 208-209 views

Psychiatric diagnosis

Schneider K.


Schneider divides all pathopsychological material into "four groups".

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):209-209
pages 209-209 views

Foot sprains and treatment

Zholondz A.M.


The author, based on various dislocations of the foot that passed through the Leningrad Trauma Institute, analyzes all types of these dislocations.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):209-210
pages 209-210 views

On alabaster bandages

Kogan A.I.


Disruptions in the supply of plaster as well as its insufficient quality have forced a number of surgeons to look for new materials to replace it. A. suggests using alabaster for fixed bandages to replace plaster.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):210-210
pages 210-210 views

Isolated ankle fractures, transkle fractures (Malgene fractures), Dupuytren and Desto fractures and their treatment

Barantsevich E.V., M. Z.A.


On the basis of 136 cases of fractures of the ankle bones which passed through the Leningrad Traumatology Institute, the authors analyze all types occurring in this joint (ankle fractures-71 cases; transkle fractures-16 cases; Dupuytren fractures-31 cases and Desto fractures-18 cases).

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):210-210
pages 210-210 views

The ATSR Regional Scientific-Medical Association. Psychoneurological Section. Meeting of December 21, 1933


Popov N.I. and Badiul P.A.-On the patency of the blood-brain barrier in epid. encephalitis and multiple sclerosis. Observation of 9 cases of E. E. and 5 cases of multiple sclerosis. In all 9 cases of post-encephalitic parkinsonism, regardless of the age of the case and severity of the clinical picture, barrier permeability was negligible.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):217-217
pages 217-217 views

The ATSR Regional Scientific-Medical Association. Psychoneurological Section. Meeting of November 28, 1933.


I. I. Rusetsky and N. I. Popov. Teaching about the role of the autonomic nervous system in sciatica. The following data were obtained in the study of 25 patients. At iliac sacral sciatica on the diseased leg, as the disease progresses, the skin t° changes from hypothermia to hyperthermia (in comparison with a healthy limb). Long-lasting hypothermia has been observed in cases of truncular sciatica.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):217-218
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Regional Scientific-Medical Association of the ATSSR. Obstetrics and Gynecology Section. Meeting of November 21, 1933


Meeting on November 21, Obstetric and Gynecological Section together with with the Pathology and Physiology Department of the Prof. Bohl Institute.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):218-218
pages 218-218 views

Regional Scientific-Medical Association of the ATSSR. Obstetrics and Gynecology Section. Meeting of December 14, 1933


Ass. G.M. Sharafutdinov and Dr. Firsova, "Clinical and experimental observations of gravidan".

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):218-218
pages 218-218 views

ZP Soloviev (1876-1928) (On the fifth anniversary of death)

Gryaznov I.S.


November 6 last year marked the 5th anniversary of the death of Zinovy Petrovich Solovyov.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):219-222
pages 219-222 views

Albert Calmette (1863-1933) and the tuberculosis problem

Mazur B.L.


Calmette was gone; the man whose name had been associated with the hopes of solving the tuberculosis problem for the past 10 years was gone - all of a sudden, all of a sudden. It was hard to imagine that a man who dared to engage the enemy, who on his shield counted more than a hundred million human lives and dozens of brave scientists among them, was already at an age when one is more willing to look back on the road traveled than on the remaining one.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):222-224
pages 222-224 views



The All-Ukrainian Bacteriological Institute is developing with successful results the question of protective vaccinations against typhus. A number of experiments performed on guinea pigs showed that guinea pig infected with typhus passerine virus and having suffered the disease is immune to subsequent infection with the blood of a typhus-typhoid patient. On the other hand, guinea pig infected with the blood of a typhoid patient and having survived the disease appears immune to infection with the guinea pig passage virus.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):224-227
pages 224-227 views

To the problem of peptic ulcer disease and duodenum

Luria R.A.


In spite of the fact that exactly one hundred years have passed since Cruveilhier described with inimitable for those times clarity the clinical picture and anatomical substrate of peptic ulcer, the interest to this mysterious disease not only has not weakened, but has considerably revived in recent years. Therapists and surgeons, pathophysiologists and radiologists are equally interested in the problem of peptic ulcer and compete in solving two main, closely related problems - the question of pathogenesis and the question of rational treatment of peptic ulcers.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):241-251
pages 241-251 views

On the pathogenesis of peptic ulcer

Daikhovsky Y.I., Solovey M.G.


Вопрос о патогенезе язвы желудка, несмотря на тщательное изучение его, особенно в течение последних двух десятилетий, до сих пор не может считаться решенным. Существующие теории происхождения язвы желудка, которые в основном, как известно, сводятся к функциональной сосудистой теории (v. Bergmann, Hauser), к теории пептического происхождения язвы (Aschoff, Büchner) и к воспалительной теории (Konjetznу) конкурируют между собою; каждая из них имеет своих сторонников, но ни одна из них до настоящего времени не является общепризнанной в качестве единственной теории происхождения язвы.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):252-260
pages 252-260 views

Gastric and 12 duodenal ulcer from a surgical point of view

Sokolov N.V.


To put the question of gastric and duodenal ulcer from the surgical point of view means to decide more or less definitely whether a gastric and duodenal ulcer at the present stage of our knowledge of this painful form can be treated surgically and what are the indications for surgical treatment; it means to decide the choice of this or that method of surgical treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers, proceeding in this question based on past experience covered by modern scientific data.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):261-276
pages 261-276 views

To the clinic of postoperative complications in patients operated for gastric and duodenal ulcers

Mirkin A.I., Morozova M.S.


Surgery for peptic ulcer in a significant percentage of cases does not give the expected clinical improvement and after a certain period of time the patients return to ask for help about the worsening of their state. 

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):277-286
pages 277-286 views

To the clinic of perforative peptic ulcer

Gulevich P.A.


Perforative gastric ulcer, which used to be a relative rarity 15-20 years ago, nowadays becomes more and more frequent in surgeon's work. To confirm this it is enough to point out that the number of cases of perforated peptic ulcer published in the Russian literature alone exceeds well over 1000, and almost every day this figure is increasing.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):286-294
pages 286-294 views

Treatment of hyperacidic gastritis and gastric ulcers by pumping out gastric contents

Mogilevsky Z.R., Bitkova S.I.


Analysis of the methods of treatment of hyperacid gastritis and peptic ulcers suggested so far shows that, for all the diversity and inconsistency of modern theories of ulcer etiology and pathogenesis, most methods still seek to reduce acidity and excessive secretion. This seeming contradiction between the homogeneity of therapeutic aspirations and the fundamental differences regarding etiology and pathogenesis is explained by the role that increased acidity and secretion play in the clinic of ulcers and gastritis.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):294-299
pages 294-299 views

On the chlorine metabolism of the body and the therapeutic value of gastric juice withdrawal

Kovyazin N.N., Asambaev D.M., Raimova H.B., Kurganova O.K.


Since the time of Voit, we know that for the balance of life, mineral salts, including table salt, are as necessary to the body as proteins, carbohydrates, fats and water. According to Magnus-Lev, the total amount of salt in an adult is 150.0 g., with a daily requirement of 6.0-8.0 g. The distribution of NaCl in various organs and tissues is uneven; most of it is contained in the blood and subcutaneous tissue. Salt fluctuations in organs and tissues normally occur within narrow limits.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):300-307
pages 300-307 views

The use of Octin in peptic ulcer disease

Shevlyagina M.I.


Conservative treatment of peptic ulcer currently is still largely symptomatic and imperfect. It is hardly possible to solve the question of rational therapy until the necessary clarity in the question of ulcer pathogenesis is brought.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):307-309
pages 307-309 views

Radiotherapy for gastric ulcers in the light of radiobiology and clinical data

Gasul R.Y.


In spite of the fact that already in 1913 the first quite successful attempts were made to treat gastric ulcers with X-rays (Kodo) and to influence the secretion and acidity of gastric juice with the help of illumination (Brügel, 1916), the clinic has not yet shown sufficient interest in the use of X-rays in the treatment of ulcers and their complications. Some clinicians still believe that only malignant neoplasms are treated with X-rays, and only those that are rejected by surgeons.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):310-316
pages 310-316 views

X-ray diagnosis of peptic ulcer

Tarnopolskaya P.D.


If in questions of inflammatory changes in the stomach the decisive word belongs to the X-ray conclusion, if it corresponds to the modern ideas about this suffering, then the X-ray method of investigation plays no less important role for the diagnosis of ulcerous lesions of the stomach and 12 duodenum.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):317-320
pages 317-320 views

X-ray diagnosis of the operated stomach

Goldstein M.I.


The complex problem of the operated stomach has recently attracted more and more attention of therapists, surgeons and radiologists. Systematic X-ray examination of the stomach, after surgery, gives us the opportunity to study its shape and function, allows us to judge the success of the operation, as well as to recognize timely postoperative complications and recurrence of diseases, requiring in some cases urgent secondary surgical intervention, and in other cases - prevention of unnecessary secondary surgery.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):320-326
pages 320-326 views

To the problem of schizophrenia

Galant I.


This book is a collection of papers from the Moscow City Neuropsychiatric Institute. The centerpiece of the collection is Brukhansky's article: "Toward a Theory of Schizophrenia," in which the author tries to substantiate his understanding of Bleuler-Krechmer schizophrenia as "developmental schizophrenia," in contrast to the heterogeneous organic processes, as an independent form of illness, with "bodily perceptible" symptomatology.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):345-346
pages 345-346 views

Treatment of schizophrenia with insulin shock

Berze J.


Berze concludes that the treatment of known cases of schizophrenia with insulin can be considered indicative. Berze finds the systematic treatment of schizophrenia by insulin shock suggested by Sackel, which consists in provoking by single large doses of insulin deep hypoglycemia, accompanied by very severe phenomena of shock, which are unsafe for the health of patients and, in the event, can lead to death, strictly contraindicated. 

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):346-346
pages 346-346 views

Zum Problem der Psychotherapie der Neurosen in der Klinik „W. M. W.“

Stengel E.


Stengel berichtet, dass im Jahr 1932 bei einer Gesamtzahl der Aufnahmen in die Wiener Psychiatrische Klinik von 5930 (3264 Männer und 2696 Frauen) 18 Fälle von Zwangsneurose (0,3%) auftraten, davon 13 Frauen und 5 Männer.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):346-346
pages 346-346 views

On the role and significance of the biogenetic method for the neuropsychological sciences

Galant I.


The author proves, based on a number of facts from his personal experience of using the biogenetic method in his neuropathological and psychiatric works, that the biogenetic method is a very valuable research method in the spirit of Marxist-Leninist methodology, and therefore its use in the neuropsychological sciences should be considered fruitful and should be cultivated here and in the future.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):346-346
pages 346-346 views

Ueber Familienähnlichkeit der Hirnfurchen und Windungen

Galant I.


The author compares morphologically the brains of the brothers Vladimir and Nikolai Bekhterev, with 120 morphological features used for comparison. 47.5% of the features were found to be similar in the brothers, which suggests familial similarity of the brain, homolateral in 32.5°/o and contralateral in 15% of the similar features.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):346-347
pages 346-347 views

Pneumocephalus corticalis und Diabetes insipidus traumaticus

Starlinger S.


The author gives a description of the course of the disease in two cases of frontal bone fracture with opening of the frontal sinus. In the first case, a subdural pneumocephalus developed immediately after injury, which resorbed within 17 days without intervention and gave no morbid phenomena. In the second case, it came to cortical pneumocephalus infection, which healed after surgical dissection and drainage.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):347-347
pages 347-347 views

New in neuropathology

Galant I.


The author sees the progress of neuropathology in the fact that in the clinic we are seeing more and more so-called atypical cases. New, more subtle and improved methods of examination make it possible to make a correct diagnosis where the disease is far from being defined as such, and the main symptoms characteristic of the disease are absent.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):347-347
pages 347-347 views

Serotherapy for peritonitis

Gündel М., Süssbrich F.


The authors reviewed 170 cases of peritonitis serotherapy with a fatal outcome in 18 cases (10.5%). To use serotherapy successfully, polyvalent serum of Escherichia coli, enterococci, and streptococci most commonly encountered in peritonitis should be prepared.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):347-347
pages 347-347 views

Intra-abdominal infusion of table salt for clean perforations

Riese J.


The author, proceeding from the therapeutic effect of large abdominal infusions in peritonitis with the prophylactic purpose of strengthening peritoneal resorption and the simplest and most expedient way of fluid delivery in all large peritomies (clean and unclean), injected from 1 to 3 liters of physiol solution of sodium salt into the abdominal cavity.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):347-348
pages 347-348 views

Piloroplasty for pylorospasm in adults

Pаlmén А.I.


The author suggests performing V-shaped pyloroplasty for pylorospasm in adults.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):348-348
pages 348-348 views

On resection of deep duodenal ulcers

Ciminata A.


The author recommends dissecting the anterior wall of the 12 duodenal ulcer, resecting the crater of the ulcer and then performing atypical closure of the duodenal stump followed by peritonization of the stump with the pancreas and the apex of the omentum.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):348-348
pages 348-348 views

Indications for serotherapy of peritonitis

Schneider E.


The author recommends intraperitoneal injection of polyvalent serum with simultaneous intravenous injection of grape sugar in purulent inflammation of the peritoneum, regardless of its cause.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):348-348
pages 348-348 views

To the clinic of multiple angiofibromatosis

Mittelberger H.


The author observed a case of multiple angiofibromatosis. A tumor located in the membrana interossea of the radial and ulnar bones with partial involvement of the ulna was removed from the patient.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):348-348
pages 348-348 views

What is the functional method of treating bone fractures?

Herlyn К.Е.


The author understands the functional method of treating bone fractures as early as possible in general and individual movements of the limbs in order to return the original function of the limb as early as possible.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):348-348
pages 348-348 views

Treatment of burns with brilliant green

Tsimkhes I.


The author has seen success in 48 cases after treating burns with a 1% solution of brilliant green.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):348-348
pages 348-348 views

To the recognition and treatment of prolonged parotid fistulas

Konjetzny G.Е.


The author describes 2 cases of chronic fistulas of the parotid gland. In both cases the author observed the development of stones.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):348-349
pages 348-349 views

On total gastric resection

Sharbe T.


Up to now about 70 cases of total gastric resection (T.R.G.) have been described. The operative mortality rate is 53% on the average. The author has lost out of 10 patients out of 7. Therefore, it is clear that further fate of people after T.R.G. is little known.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):349-349
pages 349-349 views

The effect of cancer on blood pressure

Sharbe T.


Cancer patients have lower blood pressure than healthy patients or those who have recovered. If therapy is successful, the blood pressure rises by an average of 15 mm Hg and remains elevated. If the process spreads further, the blood pressure remains low or still rises.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):349-349
pages 349-349 views

Some remarks on the syphilis-cancer problem

Sharbe T.


Description of 2 cases, one man with breast cancer and one woman with vulvar cancer.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):349-349
pages 349-349 views

Urine examination after 50-kilometer run

Sharbe T.


In all cases more or less protein was found, but always below 0.5%0. The sediment in most cases was indistinguishable from the picture of acute nephritis.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):349-349
pages 349-349 views

The etiology of pericarditis, particularly pericarditis. adhaesiva

Sharbe T.


Ha 8162 autopsies found pericarditis 286 times. The most frequent cause was heart disease and rheumatism (56 times). Tuberculosis as a cause of pericarditis ranks 4th, while septic diseases are on par with rheumatism (57 times).

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):349-349
pages 349-349 views

A simple and reliable way to monitor the therapeutic effect of treatment in pernicious anemia

Sharbe T.


In pernicious anemia, the average diameter of the red blood cells is much larger than normal. This increase goes in parallel with the disease, so that a decrease in diameter indicates an improvement in the disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):349-350
pages 349-350 views

Oral application of hydrogen sulfide water

Zweig W.


The author reports his observations on the use of hydrogen sulfide water inside for various stomach diseases: gastritis with low and high acidity, constipation, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):350-350
pages 350-350 views

Study of inulin digestion

Heupke W., Blanckenburg К.


Inulinase, the enzyme that breaks down inulin, is known to be absent in the gastrointestinal canal; however, according to the authors' studies, inulin is well assimilated. As a result of these experiments it was found that 0.2% solution of hydrochloric acid for 4 hours almost completely hydrolyzes inulin, converting it into fructose, while gastric juice - only to 15-20%, and do not split preudenal at all.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):350-350
pages 350-350 views

Notes on parasitism in gynecology

Léo G.


The author describes the following case. A 6-year-old girl. She was brought to an appointment for deaf-mutism, which occurred after a blow to the head. In addition, the girl has worms (oxyuria) and vulvovaginitis. Anthelmintics and sulfur enemas were prescribed. The treatment gave excellent results: after 8 days the vulvovaginitis was gone, and the worms were excreted in large quantities.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):350-350
pages 350-350 views

Uterine cancer morbidity and mortality due to radium treatment

Wagner E.


127 cases were treated with 322 radiotherapy sessions. Of these, 114 cases of cervical cancer and 13 cases of corpus uteri cancer.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):350-350
pages 350-350 views

Results of radiation for uterine cancer

Шарбе Т.


The overall statistic is 702 sl. From 1913-1927, 587 cases of cervical cancer yielded a 22.3% absolute cure rate.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):350-350
pages 350-350 views

The Provincial Scientific-Medical Association of the ATSSR. Meeting of the Plenum of the Scientific-Medical Association of December 15, 1933


Present: more than 200 doctors, professors and medical researchers.
1. Report on the work of the H. M. A. Board for 1933 and re-election of the Board.
2. Report of Prof. A.V. Vishnevsky "Novocain block of nervous system as a method of influence on trophic disorders of tissue".
3. Prof. G.M. Novikov and I.D. Domrachev "Treatment of chronic non-healing (trophic) ulcers of extremities".
Chairman Prof. Schwarz,
Secretary Dr. Laptev.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):351-354
pages 351-354 views

Regional Scientific-Medical Association of the ATSSR. Eye Section. Meeting of November 21, 1933


Seventeen members of the Eye Section were present. Chairman Prof. Adamyuk. The secretary d. Bulgakova. Prof. Adamiuk read a report on the work of the Eye Section for the past year. Meetings were held on average once a month, at which 23 reports were made. Minutes of the meetings were printed in the Kaz. med. journal. In addition, matters concerning the struggle against trachoma, drafts of sanitary enlightenment posters concerning the Eye Section, and the question of conducting a census of the blind in the USSR were discussed.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):354-354
pages 354-354 views

Meeting of the Eye Section of the Scientific Medical Association, December 27, 1933


Eighteen members of the eye section and some attached physicians were present. Chairman: Prof. V.E. Adamyuk. Secretary: Dr. Bulgakova.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):355-356
pages 355-356 views

Regional Scientific-Medical Association of the ATSR. Ear Section. Meeting of February 8, 1934


Chairman Prof. V.K. Trutnev. The Secretary Dr. B.N. Sokolov. 22 persons are present.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):356-356
pages 356-356 views

Regional Scientific-Medical Association of the ATSR. Ear Section. Meeting of February 26, 1934


Prof. V.K. Trutnev presides. The secretary Dr. B.N. Sokolov. Sixteen people are present.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):356-357
pages 356-357 views

Regional Scientific-Medical Association of the ATSSR. Joint meetings of the therapeutic, surgical and radiological sections. Meeting of January 23, 1934


1. Prof. N. V. Sokolov. - Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum from the surgical point of view.
2.Priv.-Doc. A.I. Mirkin and Dr. M.S. Morozova. - Clinic of gastric surgery complications.
3. Prof. A.Y. Gassul a Dr.-Doc. M.I. Goldstein.-Rentgenologic picture of complications of the operated stomach and its significance for the physician and surgeon.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):357-357
pages 357-357 views

Regional Scientific-Medical Association of the ATSSR. Joint meetings of the therapeutic, surgical and radiological sections. Meeting of February 5, 34


1. Prof. R.Y. Gasul. - Radiotherapy of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

2. Drs. E.M. Mogilevsky, V.L. Rapiovets, D.E. Potekhin and E. I. Medvedev. -Achloride diet as a method of treatment of hyperacidic gastritis and gastric ulcers.

3. Drs. E. M. Mogilevsky and S. I. Bitkova - Treatment of hyperacid gastritis and peptic ulcers by pumping gastric juice.

4. Dr. H.N. Kovyazin. - Therapeutic value of gastric juice drainage in peptic ulcers and acidic catarrhs.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):357-360
pages 357-360 views

Minutes of the Scientific Conferences of the Kukmor Branch of the H. M. A. Meeting on October 3, 1933


Organizational part. Election of the Presidium of the branch, consisting of Drs. F. L. Lukmanov, S. A. Smirnov and G. A. Abdrakhimova.
2. Scientific part: the report of Dr. S. A. Smirnov on "Appendicular infiltrates".
Debates: Drs. Lukmanov, Pestova, Abdrakhimova and Rozhdestvensky.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):360-360
pages 360-360 views



The fight against cancer that has already appeared in the body should be aimed not only at destroying the tumor itself, but also at strengthening the protective reaction of the connective tissue.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(2):365-370
pages 365-370 views

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