Effect of renal dysfunction on the quality of life indicators associated with pain and general discomfort in arterial hypertension

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Aim. To study the severity of patient’s pain and general discomfort by visual analogue scale in hypertension and to determine the possible dependence of this parameter on the degree of decreased glomerular filtration rate reflecting the stage of chronic kidney disease.

Methods. The study included patients diagnosed with essential hypertension and admitted to internal medicine department of FSBIH «Far Eastern District Medical Center» of FBMA of Russia, who agreed to participate in the study. Inclusion criterion was the verified diagnosis of hypertension stage 2-3, and exclusion criteria were decreased glomerular filtration rate

Results. In 8 (11.7%) patients, glomerular filtration rate was high and optimal, in 27 (38.2%) surveyed patients a slight decrease was revealed. A decrease of glomerular filtration rate

Conclusion. The combination of hypertension and severe renal dysfunction reduces the overall index reflecting the change in the quality of life by almost a quarter; the study of the quality of life parameters by visual analogue scale can be used in a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of medical measures improving the quality of medical care for patients with the combination of arterial hypertension and chronic kidney disease.

About the authors

E V Yakuhnaya

Pacific State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Email: yelenay777@gmail.com
Vladivostok, Russia

E V Solyanik

Pacific State Medical University

Email: yelenay777@gmail.com
Vladivostok, Russia

I A Borodina

Far Eastern District Medical Center of Federal Biomedical Agency

Email: yelenay777@gmail.com
Vladivostok, Russia

M B Egorova

Far Eastern District Medical Center of Federal Biomedical Agency

Email: yelenay777@gmail.com
Vladivostok, Russia


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© 2018 Yakuhnaya E.V., Solyanik E.V., Borodina I.A., Egorova M.B.

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