Clinical significance of the technique of X-ray examination of the relief of the gastric mucosa

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X-ray diagnostics of diseases of the digestive canal, in particular chronic ulcers, gastritis and carcinoma, already at the very beginning of its development, sought to catch those direct signs that would allow reading the pathological substrate from the X-ray picture, without neglecting, of course, the functional data of the clinical picture (Golcknext, Kestle, Forsell). When he first constructed the radiological semiotics of the picture of the stomach and intestines based on the study of the anatomy and physiology of the digestive apparatus, he paid special attention to the picture of the so-called groove. the relief of the mucus of the stoi, which was obtained-in contrast to the silhouette of a completely filled stomach or intestines-after the introduction of a very small amount (1-2 sips) of contrast suspension during the study. With this method, it was possible to cover the entire surface and all the depressions of the mucosa with a thin layer of contrast mass and to obtain an image on the X-ray picture in the likeness of a bas-relief, on which all the veins, normal (état mamelonné) and pathological folds with all the functional and morphological features characteristic of this condition of the mucosa clearly protruded. This relief of the mucous surface of the bile or intestines in the X-ray picture differs from the picture in endoscopy in that it is a black-and-white drawing. Forsel's works at the time did not find sufficient guardianship in the "ilu of the abundance of data with which his studies were rich. Discussions about his works concerned mainly the painting of Si luet and its interpretation depending on the muscular structure of the abdomen and intestines. The technique of studying the relief of the internal walls of the gastrointestinal apparatus was used only by chance at the screen and was systematically rolled out more than once. It was only later that the students of Forselz, Okerlund, and especially Berg devoted themselves to the study of the relief of the mucous membrane of the digestive canal in various diseases. They also moved the question of the role and nature of mucosal changes in ulcers, gastritis, colitis and tumors from a dead point, and we already have a significant amount of work on the issue of interest to us.

About the authors

R. Ya . Gasul

State Institute for Improvement. doctors named after V. I. Lenin

Author for correspondence.

Department of Radiology and Therapeutic Clinic named after Prof. R. A. Luria

Russian Federation, Kazan

M. I. Goldstein

State Institute for Improvement. doctors named after V. I. Lenin


Department of Radiology and Therapeutic Clinic named after Prof. R. A. Luria

Russian Federation, Kazan


Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1 Relief of a normal stomach. Kazan Medical Journal, No. 6, 1931

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3. Fig. 2. Gastritis atrophica.

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4. Fig. 3. Gastritis hypertrophica

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5. Fig. 4. Ulcus callosum. curve. min. ventr.

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6. Fig. 5. Ulcus callosum ventriculi

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7. Fig. 6. Cancer ventriculi.

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© 1931 Eco-Vector

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