The current state of the issue of the role of the filterable virus in the occurrence of congenital tuberculosis

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Over the past two decades, especially since 1922, in the medical literature, mainly in the French, a whole series of works has appeared that make significant changes in our concepts of the biology and morphology of the tuberculosis bacillus and on the mechanism of transmission of TBC from parents to children.

About the authors

I. Ya. Tarnopolsky

State Institute for Advanced Training of Doctors

Author for correspondence.

children's clinic

Russian Federation, Kazan


  1. F. Аrlоinget А. Dufоurt. Presse Médic., 1928, № 48.
  2. F. Ar1оinget A. Dufour t. Lyon Médic., 1926, № 6.
  3. P. Armand- Dell i ! e, Saenz et Bertrand. Soc. de Biol., 1928, 20 oct.
  4. F. Arloing et A. Dufourt. Bull. Acad, de méd., 1926, 30 nov.
  5. L. Bernard et Nélis. Presse Méd., 1927, 8 juin.
  6. P. Baumgarten.—SammI. Klin. Vortr. № 218,. 1882 г.
  7. Г. A. Бeлоновский. Иммунитет при туберкулезе.
  8. L. Bernard. Presse Méd., 1928, № 24.-9) P. Baumgarten. Virch. Arch., 1925, Bd. 254.
  9. A. Calmette. Bull. Instit. Pasteur, 1928, t. XXVI, p. 389.
  10. Couve- 1aire. Presse Méd., 1927, № 15.
  11. Сalmelle, Valliset Laсоmme. Presse Méd., 1926, 10nov.
  12. Calmette, Valtis et Lacomme. — Annal. Inst. Pasteur, 1928, t. XL11, № 10.
  13. A. Calmette. Presse Méd., 1928, № 85.
  14. Debré et belong. Annal, de Méd., 1925.
  15. R. Jemma. Presse Méd., 1928, № 85.
  16. Hermann v. Hayek.— Проблема туберкулеза.
  17. A. A. Кисель. Туберкулез и наследственность.
  18. L. Вernard. Presse Méd.,1928, № 24. 20) G. Paisseau, Valliset Saenz. Presse Méd., 1929, № 12.
  19. A. Ravina. Presse Méd., 1929, № 9.- 22) I. V alt is. Presse Méd., 1928, № 8.
  20. Valtis et Misiewicz. Soc. biol., 1928, 2 juin.
  21. J. Vallis. Pans Med., 1929, janvier.
  22. A. И. Tогyнова. Вопр. туберк., 1927, № 6.
  23. С. М. Шебшаевич. Вопр. туберк., 1927, № 2.

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