What should be borne in mind when examining biopsies and tissue pieces in general for diagnostic purposes

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With the development of pathological anatomy (resp. Histology), it has become quite common that a part of a clinical diagnosis, and sometimes its main essence, receive a response from the named discipline. The pathologist most often in such cases has to deal with tissue pieces biopsied or scraped out in various ways, with blastomas and whole organs removed surgically. In more rare cases, self-excreted tissue parts serve as material.

About the authors

I. P. Vasilieva

Kazan University

Author for correspondence.
Email: info@eco-vector.com

professor, pathological and anatomical institute

Russian Federation, Kazan


  1. Беляева и Теплякова. Труды II Москов. у-та. 1927, T. I, вып. 1.
  2. Брауде и Беляева. Раннее распознавание рака матки, 1928.
  3. Broders прив. по Брауде и Беляевой.
  4. Dietrich. Münch, med. Wochschr., 1926, № 32.
  5. Dürck. Münch, med. Wochschr. 1906, №30.
  6. Ewing. Journ. of the amer. med. Ass. 1925, № 1.
  7. Kahlstorf. Zschr. f. Krebsforsch. 1928, Bd. 26, Hf. 5.
  8. Кpиницкий. Новый хир. архив, 192/, т. 13.-9) Петров Общее учение об опухолях, 1926.
  9. Пиэтт. Журн. д.сов. врачей, 1928, № 10.—1
  10. Sabrazés et Magгou. Annal, d’anat. pathol.. 1928, № 9.
  11. Из Физиологической лаборатории Казанский государственный университет (Завед. доц. С. А. Щербаков) и Биохимической лаборатории (Завед. доц.А. Н. Поляков).

© 1929 Eco-Vector

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