Health risks of air pollution with fine particulate matter

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The review presents up-to-date information on the health effects of ambient fine particulate matter, obtained in large cohort epidemiological studies, as well as in meta-analysis of pooled data. In addition, it summarizes the current data on the potential pathological mechanisms and existing monitoring systems. The literature search used the Scopus, PubMed, Russian Science Citation Index databases for 1990–2020. The results of epidemiological studies carried out in different countries indicate that fine particles in ambient air pose a serious threat to health. Scientific publications assessing the health impact of particulate matter show a wide range of adverse effects — from the increasing incidence of upper and lower respiratory tract diseases, including exacerbations of bronchial asthma, pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, to a high incidence of myocardial infarction, strokes, diabetes mellitus type 2, as well as an increase in overall mortality from natural causes, mainly mortality from respiratory diseases, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, lung cancer. The effects of short-term exposures are described in more detail, while the effects of long-term exposure to fine particles are not well understood. Potential mechanisms of the harmful effects of fine particulate matter include oxidative stress, inflammatory reactions, disorders of autonomic regulation and heart rhythm, fine particles translocation through the alveolar barrier into the vascular bed with endothelial damage and thrombus formation, and genotoxicity. Ambient fine particulate matter is a manageable risk factor, and reductions in air pollution will have a significant impact on public health outcomes.

About the authors

L M Fatkhutdinova

Kazan State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Kazan, Russia

E A Tafeeva

Kazan State Medical University

Russian Federation, Kazan, Russia

G A Timerbulatova

Kazan State Medical University; Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of Tatarstan

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2479-2474
Russian Federation, Kazan, Russia; Kazan, Russia

R R Zalyalov

Kazan State Medical University; Republican Medical Center for Information and Analysis

Russian Federation, Kazan, Russia; Kazan, Russia


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