Modern aspects of the treatment and prevention of diabetes type 2 in patients with metabolic syndrome

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Literature review is devoted to the most important medical-social problems of the XXI century - metabolic syndrome and diabetes mellitus type 2. Dirung the last decades prevalence of this pathology is steadily growing worldwide. Metabolic syndrome is associated with high risk of developing diabetes type 2, which is associated with early disability and high mortality from vascular complications. The wide spread of undiagnosed diabetes among persons of working age results in the need for early active detection of the disease in this group. Prophylaxis plays a huge role in the prevention of negative effects of diabetes. Since the major modifiable risk factors of its development are visceral obesity and a complex of its associated states (metabolic syndrome components), normalization of body weight preserves its significance as a measure of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. In patients with diabetes not only carbohydrate metabolism requires correction, but also body mass, lipid profile, blood pressure, and hemostasis system, that should be considered when choosing a glucose-lowering drug. The article presents the results of nationwide epidemiological studies devoted to the evaluation of prevalence of metabolic syndrome and diabetes type 2 among the adult population. Current understanding of pathogenesis of metabolic syndrome and diabetes is discussed. Attention is paid to 2017 guidelines of the American diabetes Association for obesity management in terms of diabetes prevention, as well as medications that can be used for weight loss in metabolic syndrome. The new criteria for screening for diabetes type 2 are described, the main results of recent studies on cardiovascular safety of glucose-lowering drugs are presented.

About the authors

O M Uryas’ev

Ryazan State Medical University named after Academician I.P. Pavlov

Author for correspondence.
Ryazan, Russia

Z A Morgunova

City Clinical Hospital №11

Ryazan, Russia

D Yu Gorbunova

Ryazan State Medical University named after Academician I.P. Pavlov

Ryazan, Russia

O N Shcherbakova

Medical and Sanitary Unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Ryazan Region

Ryazan, Russia

A A Pyko

Medical and Sanitary Unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Ryazan Region

Ryazan, Russia


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© 2017 Uryas’ev O.M., Morgunova Z.A., Gorbunova D.Y., Shcherbakova O.N., Pyko A.A.

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