The influence of habitat factors on the prevalence of kidney and bladder cancer in bioclimatic zones of Primorsky krai

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Aim. To evaluate the prevalence of kidney cancer and bladder cancer under the influence of environmental factors in different bioclimatic and ecological zones of Primorsky Krai.

Methods. The initial data were the incidence of kidney and bladder cancer (form №12) according to administrative territories of Primorsky Krai during the period from 1994 to 2014. In assessing the risk of prevalence of malignant neoplasms of kidneys and bladder in bioclimatic zones (maritime climate of the coast, transitional climate from maritime to continental and continental climate), ranking of territories of the region by zones of ecological stress was used: critical, intense, satisfactory, and relatively benign. To calculate the impact of habitat factors on the urologic oncology, information entropy and correlation and regression analyses were used.

Results. The groups of areas with low, medium and high incidence of malignant neoplasms of the bladder and kidneys were distinguished. High prevalence of oncourologic pathology was determined in the areas of critical and intense environmental situation, where the coal, mining and chemical industry, construction industry, machine-building plants are located, and in areas with intensive chemicalization of agriculture. It was revealed that bladder cancer prevalence has a tendency to rise from the continental bioclimatic zone to the coast in all ecological zones, mainly due to differences in the structure of coast and continental areas bioclimate. It was shown that high morbidity rate is associated with drinking water quality, overall pollution of the environment, and depends on the chemical composition of groundwater and sanitary condition of soils.

Conclusion. Ranking of territories by the prevalence of oncourology gives the possibility to make further operational decisions on the development of the complex of top-priority preventive and health-improving activities for specific areas.

About the authors

P F Kiku

Far Eastern Federal University, School of Biomedicine

Author for correspondence.
Vladivostok, Russia

G N Alekseeva

Pacific State Medical University

Vladivostok, Russia

V G Moreva

Far Eastern Federal University, School of Biomedicine

Vladivostok, Russia

M V Volkov

Primorsky Regional Cancer Center

Vladivostok, Russia

S V Yudin

Pacific State Medical University

Vladivostok, Russia


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© 2017 Kiku P.F., Alekseeva G.N., Moreva V.G., Volkov M.V., Yudin S.V.

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