Assessment of the state of lipid peroxidation and antioxidant system in children with nephrotic form of glomerulonephritis

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Aim. Study of the activity of lipid peroxidation and state of antioxidant system in children with a nephrotic form of chronic glomerulonephritis.

Methods. 104 children with a nephrotic form of glomerulonephritis were examined. The average age of children was 10.18±4.03 years. 46.2% of children were in remission, 32.7% of children had 1st degree of activity, 14.4% had 2nd degree, and 6.7% had 3d degree of nephrotic syndrome. Control group included 30 children without chronic glomerulonephritis. The levels of diene conjugates, malonic dialdehyde, catalase, reduced glutathione, glutathione peroxidase, and glutathione reductase in blood plasma and erythrocytes were determined.

Results. In children with chronic glomerulonephritis the concentration of diene conjugates and malonic dialdehyde was elevated in blood plasma and erythrocytes. In erythrocytes their concentration was statistically significantly higher at all degrees of activity of nephrotic syndrome than in control group. The level of catalase in patients’ blood plasma in comparison with the control value was reduced by 16.6%, in erythrocyte mass - by 25.9% (p <0.05). The amount of reduced glutathione in blood plasma was reduced by 9.4%, in erythrocytes - by 40.0% (p <0.05). The level of glutathione peroxidase in children with chronic glomerulonephritis was reduced in blood plasma by 16.5%, in erythrocytes - by 44.5% (p <0.05). In blood plasma of children with chronic glomerulonephritis the concentration of glutathione reductase was reduced by 33.3%, in erythrocytes - by 49.1% (p <0.05).

Conclusion. Children with nephrotic form of chronic glomerulonephritis at all degrees of activity are characterized by high lipid peroxidation activity and reduced antioxidant system activity.

About the authors

R O Beglyarov

Azerbaijan Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Baku, Azerbaijan


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