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In the activities of a practical doctor, it is necessary not only to provide medical assistance to persons in the post-strangulation period, but also to give conclusions on the severity of injuries after suffering asphyxia and suitability for a particular job in the form of labor or forensic medical examination. If, when providing medical care, the doctor's tactics are quite definite and known, then when assessing the severity of the damage, it is often allowed to underestimate it. The fact is that when examining a victim, only local injuries are often taken as a basis (the presence and severity of a strangulation groove, hemorrhages in the conjunctiva of the eyelids, etc.), which in themselves belong to the category of minor bodily injuries.

About the authors

M. I. Fedorov

Department of Forensic Medicine (Head - Prof. M. G. Bereza) Kazan Medical Institute and Kazan Psychoneurological Hospital M3 TASSR (Scientific Consultant - Prof. M. P. Andreev)

Author for correspondence.

Candidate of Medical Sciences

Russian Federation


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© 1959 Fedorov M.I.

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