Alcohol intoxication: evaluation of the population appealability and emergency medical care in Kazan

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Aim. To study population appealability for emergency medical care with alcohol intoxication as well as the features of medical care service for them in Kazan at modern stage.

Methods. The data from emergency call cards from 2015 with the diagnosis «alcohol intoxication» (form No.11/u) were studied. A survey of 271 responders (medical personnel of mobile teams of emergency care and admission departments of the hospitals) of medical care service for people with alcohol intoxication in the streets was performed.

Results. In the structure of performed calls for adult popultion the ratio of patients who called an ambulance because of alcohol intoxication was 2.1% and because of the need for urgent care - 5.7%. Males were more prevalent than females: 82.1 and 17.9% respectively. Predominantly people younger than 60 years appealed: among males 82.7%, among females - 79%. Maximum appealability was registered in July (7.4 calls per 10 000 adults); during the week - on Saturday (11.9 per 10 000 adults), and during the day - during the period from 5 to 6 pm. The survey of the teams of ambulances and admission departments demonstrated the need for re-establishment of medical sobering-up stations (83.5 and 80% respectively) and more rarely the responders suggested development of specialized medical departments and active delivery of people with alcohol intoxication to specialized institutions involving law enforcement officials and personnel of specialized sobering-up stations (13 and 14.3% respectively).

Conclusion. In the structure of the calls performed by emergency care stations the ratio of patients who called an ambulance because of alcohol intoxication among adults was 2.1% and because of the need for urgent care - 5.7%; the appealability was affected by sex, age and calendar time; analysis of the survey results demonstrated the need for re-establishment of recently closed medical sobering-up stations and for development of specialized medical departments.

About the authors

V L Paykov

Emergency Care Station

Author for correspondence.
Kazan, Russia

E I Zamaleeva

Emergency Care Station

Kazan, Russia

D A Zhukov

Emergency Care Station

Kazan, Russia

O L Chernova

Interregional Clinical Diagnostic Center

Kazan, Russia


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© 2017 Paykov V.L., Zamaleeva E.I., Zhukov D.A., Chernova O.L.

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