Impact of resource provision for the regional infection services on public infectious morbidity

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Aim. To study the impact of resource provision for the regional infection services on public infectious morbidity rate and determine priority ways of the service development.

Methods. The analysis of infectious diseases statistics by the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being office in the Republic of Tatarstan as well as 2005-2015 annual reports of infection service of the Ministry of Health Care of the Republic of Tatarstan was carried out using statistical methods.

Results. Public infectious morbidity in the Republic of Tatarstan increased by 11.7% during the period of 2005-2015, which indicates low growth rate. The average level of infectious morbidity variation was revealed (the coefficient of variation - 11.24%). During the analyzed period (2005-2015) in order to optimize infection service of the Republic of Tatarstan resource provision of the infection service (number of infectiologists, bed capacity, offices of infectious diseases) was cut. A significant correlation between infectious morbidity and resource provision for the service at the level of municipal districts was found. Priority ways of Tatarstan service development are creation of the Center for Infectious Pathology and introduction of new forms of examination and treatment. Low growth rate and average level of infectious morbidity variation in the Republic of Tatrstan during the period of 2005-2015 were revealed. A significant correlation between infectious morbidity and resource provision of the service was found. The highest infectious morbidity rate was registered in large cities of the Republic with high availability of human resources, bed capacity and specialized laboratories, while low morbidity rate was registered at municipal level with lack of infectiologists, subdivisions of infection service and specialized laboratories.

Conclusion. Reduction of material and technical resources and human resources of infection service of the Republic of Tatarstan had an impact on infectious morbidity rate in the region associated with decreased level of diagnosis of infectious diseases at certain territories.

About the authors

A M Galieva

Kazan State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Kazan, Russia

A Y Vafin

Ministry of Health Care of the Republic of Tatarstan

Kazan, Russia

I I Kravchenko

Kazan State Medical University

Kazan, Russia


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© 2017 Galieva A.M., Vafin A.Y., Kravchenko I.I.

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