Characteristics of dental status of patients with inflammatory periodontal diseases

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Aim. Evaluation of dental status in patients with inflammatory periodontal diseases.

Methods. The study of dental status was performed with the use of clinical and historical data from 269 patients with inflammatory periodontal diseases at the age of 18-65 years. Among examined patients there were 75 (27.9%) people with gingivitis, 54 (20.1%) with mild periodontitis, 66 (24.5%) with moderate and 74 (27.5%) with severe periodontitis. Control group consisted of practically healthy donors at the age of 18-52 years (40 people) with sanitized oral cavity.

Results. From history and interviewing it was found that 72% of the surveyed patients brush their teeth twice a day, 24% - once a day and 4% of patients do not brush their teeth. Family history of periodontal diseases among parents was recorded by 86% of participants. Dental status was characterized by the increase of the values of all dental indices with increasing disease severity regardless of gender. Need for correction of the depth of the vestibule, lips, cords, and bridles was identified in 51.7% of cases in patients with gingivitis and in 96.6% of cases of periodontal diseases. With increasing severity of periodontitis index (sum) of teeth with decay and fillings and removed teeth was increased by 1.5 times in gingivitis, by 2.2 times in mild periodontitis, by 2.6 times in moderate and by 2.9 times in severe periodontitis compared to control group. Partial adentia in gingivitis is 3 times more prevalent in males than in females and in severe periodontitis is 1.6 times more prevalent in females than in males.

Conclusion. Dental status of the patients with inflammatory periodontal diseases was characterized by increased values of all dental indices compared to control group that demonstrates typical course of inflammatory periodontal diseases and decrease of local immunologic resistance of oral cavity and the organism in total; timely correction of local factors (local trauma), anatomical and topographical features of dentofacial system and status of oral soft tissues allows prevention of pathologic processes in periodontal tissues.

About the authors

N A Vasil’eva

Dental Polyclinic №5

Author for correspondence.
Ufa, Russia

A I Bulgakova

Bashkir State Medical University

Ufa, Russia

E S Soldatova

Bashkir State Medical University

Ufa, Russia


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© 2017 Vasil’eva N.A., Bulgakova A.I., Soldatova E.S.

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