Improvement of dental health in professional athletes engaged in power sports

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Aim. Evaluation of dental diseases prevalence in professional athletes engaged in power sports and of the influence of biologically neutral products based on propolis on the level of their dental health.

Methods. The examination of organs and tissues of the oral cavity of professional athletes engaged for a long time in power sports was carried out. With the use of the developed specialized questionnaire dental status of the athletes was determined. Based on the analysis of the results of clinical and laboratory studies anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial effectiveness of products based on propolis were evaluated.

Results. The results of the survey showed that not all athletes are informed about the possibility of aggravation of pathological processes in soft and hard tissues of oral cavity during active training, mainly, in power sports. Lack of awareness of surveyed athletes about the need for timely individual oral hygiene procedures and regular dentist visits was revealed, especially during intense training before and after competitions. On evaluation of dental status of professional combat athletes high prevalence and intensity of inflammatory periodontal disease and caries were found. High anti-inflammatory efficiency of the product «Pomegranate Balm» for correction of dental status of professional athletes was proven.

Conclusion. High incidence of inflammatory periodontal diseases of mild to moderate severity was revealed in athletes during prolonged and intense physical training; efficacy of biologically neutral products based on propolis was established.

About the authors

F R Safaraliev

Azerbaijan medical university

Author for correspondence.
Baku, Azerbaijan

A M Safarov

Azerbaijan medical university

Baku, Azerbaijan

F Yu Mamedov

Azerbaijan medical university

Baku, Azerbaijan


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© 2017 Safaraliev F.R., Safarov A.M., Mamedov F.Y.

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