Features of platelet reaction in acute pancreatitis

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Aim. To identify the features of platelet reaction in peripheral blood in patients with acute pancreatitis.

Methods. We conducted a retrospective analysis of changes of platelets concentration in 19 patients with acute pancreatitis admitted to Kazan City clinical hospital №7. The age of patients ranged from 35 to 76 years, 45±12 years in average. All patients received complex treatment. The main method of surgical treatment was navigation drainage of fluid collections, peripancreatic mass and retroperitoneal space under ultrasound control performed in 11 patients. Subsequently in 4 patients due to progressive pyoinflammatory process midline laparotomy, sanitation, drainage of omental sac and purulent cavities were performed. In 4 cases aseptic pancreonecrosis resolved after conservative treatment. All patients dynamically had erythrocytes and platelets count and mean platelet volume checked.

Results. Analysis of platelets concentration in peripheral blood in patients with acute pancreatitis showed multidirectional character depending on the severity of pathological process. In mild acute pancreatitis the platelet count remains within normal limits. In severe pancreatitis its number increases. The highest numbers of platelets were observed on days 10-20. On discharge platelet count remained elevated. Severe pervasive pancreonecrosis (n=4) with fatal outcome was characterized by thrombocytopenia on admission with further progression.

Conclusion. The nature of the changes in platelet reaction in patients with acute pancreatitis depends on the severity of the pathological process and can be used as a criterion for evaluation of treatment effectiveness and prognosis of the outcome of the disease.

About the authors

V F Chikaev

Kazan State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Email: prof.chikaev@gmail.com
Kazan, Russia

A R Aydarov

City Clinical Hospital №7

Email: prof.chikaev@gmail.com
Kazan, Russia

O D Zinkevich

Kazan State Medical Academy

Email: prof.chikaev@gmail.com
Kazan, Russia

D M Petukhov

City Clinical Hospital №7

Email: prof.chikaev@gmail.com
Kazan, Russia

F S Galyautdinov

City Clinical Hospital №7

Email: prof.chikaev@gmail.com
Kazan, Russia

N A Safina

Kazan State Medical Academy

Email: prof.chikaev@gmail.com
Kazan, Russia


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© 2017 Chikaev V.F., Aydarov A.R., Zinkevich O.D., Petukhov D.M., Galyautdinov F.S., Safina N.A.

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