Selective mucosectomy - a method of surgical treatment of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer

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Selective mucosectomy is proposed, in which the mucous membrane of the lesser curvature of the stomach is removed, followed by sutures covering the demucosated surface. A functional study of the stomach revealed a stable reduction of the secretory potential, as well as the normalization of its motor-evacuation function, which contributes to the healing of the ulcer. Due to its low trauma, the operation can be used in surgical practice, especially in cases where organ resection or intervention on the nerve plexus is undesirable.

About the authors

I. A. Salikhov

Author for correspondence.

Kazan Order of the Red Banner of Labor Medical Institute. S. V. Kurashova; city clinical hospital № 1 named. A. G. Teregulova

Russian Federation

D. I. Gafurov

Kazan Order of the Red Banner of Labor Medical Institute. S. V. Kurashova; city clinical hospital № 1 named. A. G. Teregulova

Russian Federation

A. A. Agafonov

Kazan Order of the Red Banner of Labor Medical Institute. S. V. Kurashova; city clinical hospital № 1 named. A. G. Teregulova

Russian Federation


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© 1982 Salikhov I.A., Gafurov D.I., Agafonov A.A.

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