Sanitary evaluation of working environmental physical and chemical factors of passenger car attendants in Mongolia

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Aim. To perform sanitary assessment of physical and chemical factors of the working environment of passenger car attendants in Mongolia.

Methods. The study for evaluation of working conditions was performed at attendants’ workplace in 36 passenger car manufactured in 1982-1999 in Russia and Germany and used for passenger transportation by Mongolian railway. Sanitary studies of physical and chemical factors of the working environment of passenger car attendants were conducted. Total of 1430 studies were performed.

Results. The results of sanitary evaluation of working conditions of Mongolian passenger car attendants indicate that air temperature, relative humidity, air flow, illumination, noise and vibration levels, dust content, carbon monoxide concentration, and diesel fuel products in some cases do not meet the sanitary requirements. Prolonged exposure to the combination of these factors can lead to organic disorders.

Conclusion. The working environment of Mongolian passenger car attendants is characterized by complex influence of unfavorable factors such as rapid changes of temperature during the shift, high levels of whole body vibration, dust, and presence of harmful chemicals in the air of the working area. Exposure to adverse factors of the working environment and work activities of passenger car attendants of Mongolian railway may cause harm to their health.

About the authors

S Erkegul

Ulaanbaatar central railway hospital

Author for correspondence.

I Yu Tarmaeva

Irkutsk state medical university


M F Savchenkov

Irkutsk state medical university



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© 2017 Erkegul S., Tarmaeva I.Y., Savchenkov M.F.

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