Cardiovascular risk and history of gestational hypertension in women of reproductive age

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In recent years, gestational hypertension, defined in accordance with the classification of the European Society of Cardiology (2011) as hypertension induced by pregnancy, occurring with or without proteinuria, developing after 20 weeks of pregnancy and resolving up to 42 days after delivery, is considered as a adverse prognostic factor in respect of development of cardiovascular diseases in the future and cardiovascular mortality. This review presents the results of various studies on the relationship of history of gestational hypertension with risk factors for cardiovascular disease, target organ damage, associated clinical conditions and cardiovascular risk in women, including those of reproductive age. Determination of the individual cardiovascular risk in women, especially in young women, is difficult due to the low sensitivity and specificity of the tests in this category of patients. In spite of the conducted studies and obtained experience regarding issues on the relationship of history of hypertension during pregnancy with cardiovascular risk, until now the origin and the contribution of the various forms of hypertensive disorders during pregnancy, including gestational hypertension, to the development of future cardiovascular disease is still unclear. Detection of the history of gestational hypertension will allow to more accurately assess the individual cardiovascular risk and administer an adequate range of therapeutic and preventive measures for women, including those of reproductive age, at an earlier stage.

About the authors

A R Shamkina

Kazan State Medical University

Author for correspondence.

A R Sadykova

Kazan State Medical University



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