Genetic predictors of cardiovascular system adaptation in adolescents to physical stress

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Aim. Analysis of genetic markers of physical performance and their interrelation with electrocardiographic parameters in athletes of the youth league.

Methods. The study involved 204 of adolescent athletes. EKGs were performed, the profile of genes of folate cycle and genes encoding the function of angiotensin-converting enzyme was detected by polymerase chain reaction in venous blood.

Results. It was found that all participants had sinus rhythm. Arrhythmias and conduction disorders were revealed: bradycardia was observed in 22 (10.7%) of participants, normocardia - in 168 (82%) participants, tachycardia - in 14 (6.8%) participants, incomplete right and left bundle branch block - in 16 (7.7%) participants, and repolarization disorders of left ventricle - in 5 (2.4%) young athletes. The genes polymorphism of folate cycle and genes encoding the function of angiotensin-converting enzyme in the examined individuals were presented in different variants. Majority of the participants had heterozygous forms in most genes except for the gene NOS3 894 G>T presented as a dominant form.

Conclusion. Accordng to EKG the athletes of the youth league had early repolarization of the left ventricle (2.4% cases), incomplete right or left bundle branch block (7.7% cases), and normal waves and intervals; according to genetic study most participants had heterozygous genotype GNB3 825 C>T, NOS3-786 T>C, AGT 704 T>C, negative correlation of QTc with NOS3-786 T>C and NOS3 894 G>T, α-angle / AGT 704 T>C with P-wave / NOS3 894 G>T.

About the authors

V B Yarysheva

South-Ural state humanitarian-pedagogical university

Author for correspondence.

D Z Shibkova

South-Ural state humanitarian-pedagogical university



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© 2017 Yarysheva V.B., Shibkova D.Z.

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