Magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of nonpalpable breast cancer

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Aim. To analyze sensitivity of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the diagnosis of breast cancer when used after mammography and breast ultrasound.

Methods. The study included 70 patients with nonpalpable breast lesions who had changes of breast tissue found at previous studies (mammography and breast ultrasound). MRI was performed with the use of Siemens Magnetom Avanto with magnetic field 1.5 Tl.

Results. Most frequently nonpalpable lesions were diagnosed in 45 to 60-year old patients (60%), a little rarer - in 39 to 45-year old patients (22.9%), in patients at the age of 61 to 69 - in 10.0% (7 patients). 7.1% patients were over 70. All first detected nonpalpable lesions of breast were biopsied for morphological verification. With the combined use of mammography, sonography, MRI and stereotactic biopsy the diagnosis was made in 100% patients. MRI with contract enhancement showed no relation between sensitivity, specificity and reliability and density of breast tissues.

Conclusions. MRI is considered a highly sensitive method of diagnosis and identification of changes found at mammography and breast ultrasound.

About the authors

S S Vatankha

National Cancer center

Author for correspondence.

S A Saryev

National Cancer center



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© 2017 Vatankha S.S., Saryev S.A.

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