The state of immune system during the use of probiotic lactobacilli in complex treatment of papillomavirus infection

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Aim. Assessment of impact of probiotic lactobacilli complex on treatment efficiency and normalization of immune status in women with human papillomavirus infection (PVI).

Methods. Total of 65 patients of reproductive age with cervical pathology and PVI were examined. «Provag» was included into the standard therapy as the source of probiotic lactobacilli complex. Immunological studies were conducted before and after the treatment. The phenotypic profile of peripheral blood lymphocytes was determined by means of flow cytometry. The concentration of immunoglobulin A, G and M in serum was determined by ELISA.

Results. Decreased amounts of T- and NK-cells were observed in PVI patients on day 1. Regardless of treatment method, by day 30 the number of T-lymphocytes in the blood of women with PVI increases. Percentage of NK-cells remained below the normal values on day 30 in the group of patients who received traditional scheme of PVI treatment. Patients with PVI taking additionally probiotic lactobacilli complex showed an increase of NK-cells by the end of the treatment. On day 1 decrease of relative and absolute numbers of T-helper cells was detected. Regardless of the method of treatment by day 30 the number of T-helper cells increases to the reference level. IgM and IgG levels in peripheral blood of women with PVI were increased even on day 1. By the end of the observation period their concentration in patients with conventional treatment scheme remained increased. Patients receiving the standard therapy supplemented with «Provag» demonstrated the decrease of these classes of immunoglobulins to the reference level.

Conclusion. As a result of treatment normalization of NK-cells and T-helpers numbers was observed whereas the IgG and IgM levels remained increased.

About the authors

A G Borisov

Scientific research institute of medical issues of the North; Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after V.F. Voino-Yasenecky

Author for correspondence.

A A Savchenko

Scientific research institute of medical issues of the North; Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after V.F. Voino-Yasenecky


E P Tihonova

Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after V.F. Voino-Yasenecky


I V Sergeeva

Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after V.F. Voino-Yasenecky


E V Kasparov

Scientific research institute of medical issues of the North


I V Kudrjavcev

Scientific research institute of experimental medicine; Far eastern federal university


S S Arutjunjan

Scientific research institute of medical issues of the North



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© 2017 Borisov A.G., Savchenko A.A., Tihonova E.P., Sergeeva I.V., Kasparov E.V., Kudrjavcev I.V., Arutjunjan S.S.

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