Functional monitoring of patients with urolithiasis before and after extracorporeal lithotripsy

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Aim. To determine the change of cardiovascular system parameters after extracorporeal lithotripsy.

Methods. The study involved 25 patients with urolithiasis from Urology Department of «The first Republican Clinical Hospital of Ministry of Healthcare of Udmurtia» in Izhevsk at the age of 25 to 45 years, of these, 10 females and 15 males. Lithotripsy was performed on all patients. Blood pressure, heart rate, stress index, blood oxygen saturation were measured before and after intervention.

Results. The data obtained allow us to conclude that in patients with urolithiasis after extracorporeal lithotripsy no specific changes in baseline cardiovascular system parameters occur. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure ranged between 5 to 10 mm Hg. Heart rate before and after extracorporeal lithotripsy practically did not change, blood oxygen saturation remained unchanged as well. Statistically significant reduction of stress index after extracorporeal lithotripsy was observed.

Conclusion. Functional monitoring of patients with urolithiasis after extracorporeal lithotripsy did not reveal any significant changes in blood pressure, heart rate, and blood oxygen saturation; stress index after the intervention statistically significantly decreased, but remains higher than normal.

About the authors

Z M Sigal

Izhevsk Medical Academy

Author for correspondence.

S N Styazhkina

Republican Clinical Hospital №1


S Yu Meshchanov

Izhevsk Medical Academy


S Z Sigal

Izhevsk Medical Academy



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© 2017 Sigal Z.M., Styazhkina S.N., Meshchanov S.Y., Sigal S.Z.

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