Instrumental correction during surgical treatment of patients with large soft tissue lipomas

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Aim. To improve the results of surgical treatment of patients with large soft tissue lipomas by developing and implementing of adaptation-distraction device for rapprochement of wound edges.

Methods. During the period from 2012 to June, 2016, 61 patients with various localization of large soft tissue lipomas were hospitalized to the department of surgery of Kazan Hospital for war veterans. The patients were divided into 2 groups: control group included 35 (57.4%) patients who had the traditional mass excision with wound sealing, and the study group included 26 (42.6%) patients, on whom instrumental method was applied with the use of adaptation-distraction device for rapprochement of wound edges in order to reduce tissue trauma during removal of the lump and suturing tissues.

Results. Clinical use of adaptation-distraction device for removing various tumors of the skin and subcutaneous tissue has demonstrated its advantage over traditional methods. Optimal conditions for radical removal of the tumor with maximum compliance with the rules of ablastics and antiblastics with minimal blood loss (20-45 ml) are created. In control group postoperative wound complications included 2 (5.7%) hematomas and 1 (2.8%) seroma. In the study group 1 (3.8%) patient had hematoma.

Conclusion. Use of adaptation-distraction device provides preliminary circular local tissue compression directly near the tumor and in its base, which leads to local preventive hemostasis in surgical wound area without shutting down the blood flow in surrounding tissues; the device allows to make the imposition of primary seams not interrupting the surgery and to avoid eruption.

About the authors

A G Izmaylov

Kazan state medical university

Author for correspondence.

S V Dobrokvashin

Kazan state medical university


D E Volkov

Kazan state medical university


V A Pyrkov

Hospital for war veterans


R F Zakirov

Hospital for war veterans


S A Davlet-Kil’deev

Hospital for war veterans


R A Akhmetzyanov

Hospital for war veterans



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© 2016 Izmaylov A.G., Dobrokvashin S.V., Volkov D.E., Pyrkov V.A., Zakirov R.F., Davlet-Kil’deev S.A., Akhmetzyanov R.A.

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