Main causes of difficult intubation

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Difficult or unsuccessful intubation occur in anesthesiologist’s practice infrequently but such situations may have direct threat to a patient’s life. Often mortality associated with anesthesia is caused precisely by difficulties of intubation. The article deals with analyses of the causes of possible difficult intubation in the practice of anesthesiologist and intensivist in planned and emergency situations. Mallampati test, evaluation of thyromantal distance and mobility of atlanto-occipital joint can be used to predict difficult intubation. According to most recent publications, the most effective way to predict it is the «LEMON» score. Ample opportunities for overcoming difficulties of tracheal intubation are created by recently introduced techniques of videolaryngoscopy - different types of video laryngoscope-modifications of Macintosh blades. Their features compared to classic intubation with the use of Macintosh and Magil blades are excellent view and complete visual control of structures of the larynx.

About the authors

S V Gorbunov

Kazan State Medical University

Author for correspondence.

A Zh Bayalieva

Kazan State Medical University


D Yu Ustimov

City Clinical Hospital №7


R R Nagimullin

Kazan State Medical University



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© 2016 Gorbunov S.V., Bayalieva A.Z., Ustimov D.Y., Nagimullin R.R.

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