Ultrasound elastography as a method of emergency diagnosis of the first signs of transient ischemia of the lower limbs in diabetic foot syndrome

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Aim. Evaluate the data of elastography characteristic for the first signs of transient ischemia of lower limbs in diabetes foot syndrome.

Methods. In Kazan city clinical hospital №7 measurement of Young’s modulus of elasticity was performed in 12 patients with transient ischemia in diabetic foot syndrome. The methods and assessment of parameters typical for soft tissues of lower limbs we have developed earlier (patent «Method of elastography diagnosis of tissue changes in diabetic foot syndrome»). Color duplex scan of the arteries was performed according to standard method with the use of 5 to 10 MHz linear array probe starting from distal parts of limbs. Measurement of ultrasound density was performed with the use of shear wave elastography with 4 to 15 MHz wide-band linear probe. All parameters were measured in real time mode.

Results. Increase of elastomeric index (Young’s modulus of elasticity) to 23.74±2.34 kPa (93,49±1,26%) in the distal segment of the lower extremity (on the foot) is associated with development of transient disorders in the lower limbs in diabetic foot syndrome, which is not always detected with invasive methods of diagnosis.

Conclusion. Shear wave elastography is recommended for emergency medical care in diabetic foot syndrome; patients after being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes should dynamically monitor microcirculation of lower limbs that will decrease the risk of need of surgical treatment.

About the authors

R I Fatykhov

Kazan state medical university

Author for correspondence.
Email: 74ruslan@rambler.ru

I V Klyushkin

Kazan state medical university

Email: 74ruslan@rambler.ru

Yu A Klyushkina

City clinical hospital №7; Kazan state medical academy

Email: 74ruslan@rambler.ru

N A Minnemullin

City clinical hospital №7

Email: 74ruslan@rambler.ru

M N Nasrullaev

Kazan state medical academy

Email: 74ruslan@rambler.ru


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© 2016 Fatykhov R.I., Klyushkin I.V., Klyushkina Y.A., Minnemullin N.A., Nasrullaev M.N.

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