Prevalence of cardiovascular disease risk factors among shipping professionals

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Aim. To perform comparative assessment of the prevalence of cardiovascular disease risk factors among the main groups of shipping professionals (captains, their assistants, mechanicians, machinists, electrical officers, and sailors).

Methods. Monitoring was conducted by the continuous coverage of males under the age of 40 years, recognized as apparently healthy based on the planned complex preventive examinations in the system of the Azerbaijan State Caspian Shipping Company.

Results.The proportion of overweight people (body mass index >25.0 kg/m2) was the highest in the group of captains and their assistants (50.0±6.7%) and the lowest in the group of electrical officers (38.2±5.9%). In the group of captains and their assistants an average weight is significantly higher than that in the group of mechanicians, electrical officers and sailors (p

Conclusion. Among apparently healthy shipping professionals younger than 40 years in the system of the Azerbaijan State Caspian Shipping Company cardiovascular disease risk factors (overweight and obesity, abdominal obesity, hypercholesterolemia, dyslipidemia ≥32,1%, smoking) are common; the total cardiovascular risk among shipping professionals depends on the type of professional activity (higher among machinists, captains and their assistants, less among the sailors).

About the authors

K F Agaeva

Azerbaijan Advanced Training Institute for Doctors named after A. Aliyev

Author for correspondence.

S A Gadzhizade

Azerbaijan Advanced Training Institute for Doctors named after A. Aliyev; Baku Railway Outpatient Clinic №1



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© 2016 Agaeva K.F., Gadzhizade S.A.

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