Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and possible mechanisms of their development in autism spectrum disorders

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The article presents an analysis of current literature covering general information, as well as clinical and experimental research on autism spectrum disorder. Autism is a complex mental disorder. A growing body of literature suggests the association of autism spectrum disorder with dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system, especially those affecting the gastrointestinal tract and bladder. In addition, there are problems with nutrition, meta­bolism, immune and endocrine systems, and microbiota. Prevalence of autism has increased significantly over the past 40 years. As more and more children with autism become adults, understanding this condition throughout life is of paramount importance. Although many research has focused on understanding how diagnosis and treatment can help little children, few are focused on adults with autism and how primary care groups can better help these ­people. Despite significant progress toward identifying the factors influencing the development of autism spectrum disorder, the etiology of the disease remains uncertain. In this regard, scientists are trying to obtain models of autism in rodents to continue further research. Based on the data obtained during clinical and experimental ­researches, a hypothesis about the possible role of the purinergic system in the pathogenesis of autism spectrum disorder is consi­dered. The results are encouraging, but further research is required. Thus, somatic disorders can worsen the main symptoms of autism, which affect communication and behavior functioning. In this regard, further research is ne­cessary, including in a rodent model of autism spectrum disorder to contribute to identifying the possible causes of the disorder.

About the authors

D V Ivanova

Kazan state medical university

Email: auziganshin@gmail.com
Russian Federation, Kazan, Russia

A U Ziganshin

Kazan state medical university

Author for correspondence.
Email: auziganshin@gmail.com
Russian Federation, Kazan, Russia


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