Antimony in chemotherapy

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Antimony has been used since ancient times in the East, in China and Babylon, for cosmetic purposes and as a protective agent for endemic eye diseases. As a medicine, antimony has long enjoyed wide popularity there in the treatment of tumors ("Baghdad bump"), in gynecological, laryngological practice, etc. This medicine from the Arabs was borrowed by doctors in Western Europe in the Middle Ages. The famous Theophrastus Paracelsus (1493-1541) especially highly appreciated it and warmly recommended it; “Mineralium, Quorum summum ac posissimum arcanum in se claudit Antimonium:” he says. Another great physician and chemist of this era, Basilius Valentinus (1604), glorifies the beneficial effects of antimony in French disease (syphilis), leprosy, plague, cancer, malaria, asthma, persistent cough, and stomach ailments. skin diseases, wounds, as well as melancholy, etc.

About the authors

I. A. Smorodintsev

Author for correspondence.


Russian Federation, Moscow


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  32. на торжественном заседании Об-ва Врачей и Естествоиспыта¬телей при Смоленском Гос. Университете, посвященном 200-летнему юбилею Ака¬демии Наук СССР.

Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Finylstibic acid

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3. Paraacetylaminophenylstibic acid

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4. Pyrosulmyanate potassium

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5. Stibamine

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6. Stibosan

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7. Benzenesulfoparaamidoenylstibine sodium

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8. Paraurethanephenylstibine sodium

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9. Table. 1. Comparative toxicity of some antimony derivatives when administered intravenously to mice

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10. Chloride dihydroxyamine biobesol

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11. Chloride m-m-dimamino-p-oxy-p'-chloroarsenostibiobenzene

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12. Chloride m-m-diamino-p-p'-dioxyarity biobiobenzene

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© 1926 Smorodintsev I.A.

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