The contribution of Kazan scientists to the success of the fight against child mortality

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The work aims to analyze and present the contribution of scientists from Kazan medical universities and their pupils to the success of combat child mortality in Russia in the twentieth century using the historical and medical method. The most important results of the works of Kazan scientists can be considered the following: (1) the finding of underestimation of infant mortality; (2) development of methods for its statistical analysis; (3) identification of medical-statistical and social hygienic patterns of child mortality; (4) scientific substantiation of the methodology and strategy for reducing infant mortality in the USSR; (5) a comprehensive study of the problems of child mortality and substantiation of ways to reduce it in the Russian Federation in the late 20th — early 21st centuries. Measures are proposed to further reduce child mortality, including a regional approach, reduction of the population's genetic load, priority implementation of antenatal and neonatal prophylaxis, prompt and full provision of treatment by the state for children with rare diseases, further development of specialized and rehabilitation assistance provided to children, intensive development of medical and social assistance.

About the authors

A A Baranov

Research Institute of Pediatrics and Children’s Health

Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

V Yu Albitsky

Research Institute of Pediatrics and Children’s Health

Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

I K Zakirov

Kazan State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Kazan, Russia


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© 2021 Baranov A.A., Albitsky V.Y., Zakirov I.K.

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