About malignant tumors of the nasopharynx

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A common characteristic for the malignancy of tumors is the property of their cells to capture adjacent tissues, enter by lymphatic or blood vessels, graft and give new tumors both in the nearest parts of the body (dissemination), as well as in distant organs that hide (metastases). On a microscopic preparation, you can see in addition to the phenomena of multiplication of tumor cells (karyokinesis), even cells moving from the periphery of the tumor into the nearest lymphatic gap and lymphatic gland, where they, multiplying, give secondary nodes; in the same way, they can be found in the blood, by which they are carried to the most diverse and distant parts of the body, sometimes giving (for example, sarcomas) an innumerable number of metastatic tumors of the same histological structure.

About the authors

I. S. Rozhdestvensky

Author for correspondence.
Email: info@eco-vector.com


Russian Federation


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