Chronicle and small information. Vol. 2, No. 5-6 (1902)

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On June 15, the term of the competition for replacing the departments of histology, skin and venereal diseases, pharmacology and surgical pathology at Kazan University expired. Have expressed a desire to compete with the following persons. At the department of histology — priv. Assoc. V. A. Pavlov (Kharkov). Doc. honey. P. A. Polyakov (St. Petersburg) and priv. Assoc. D.A.Timofeev (Kazan); at the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases. — Priv. Assoc. V.I. Zarubin. (Kharkov,) assistant professor A. A. Lindstrem (Kiev), doc. honey. M.P. Manasein (St. Petersburg) and doc. honey. M. A. Chlenov. (Moscow); at the Department of Pharmacology - Assoc. K. Ѳ, Arkhangelskiy (Tomsk), assistant professor D. M. Lavrov (S. Petrburg), assistant professor. V.V. Nikolaev. (Kazan), doc. honey. LB Popelskiy (St. Petersburg) and priv. Assoc. G. P. Svirskiy (Yuriev); to the Department of Surgical Pathology — priv. add. H. N. Filippov (Kharkov).


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