Dental morbidity in Russia

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At present, the most common dental diseases in most regions of Russia are caries, periodontal diseases, and dentofacial anomalies. A literature review was carried out on the prevalence of major dental diseases in Russian adult. The study aimed to analyze the literature on dental morbidity in Russia in the following areas: assessment of the prevalence, intensity, and treatment need of major dental diseases, depending on regional particularities, age, and sex differences. Caries and periodontal diseases are a major medical and social problem. The results of recent epidemiological studies have shown that almost the entire Russian adult has signs of these diseases. There is also a high rate of dental anomalies in children. The high prevalence of dental diseases indicates the need to strengthen the role of preventive work in the doctor's work. In conducting prevention program, it is important to consider the prevalence and intensity of major dental diseases which have pronounced regional particularities. Dental practice in recent years has shown that as a result of a targeted and effective preventive program, you can significantly reduce the level of dental morbidity.

About the authors

A K Salakhov

Kazan State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Kazan, Russia

S S Ksembaev

Kazan State Medical University

Russian Federation, Kazan, Russia

R F Baykeev

Kazan State Medical University

Russian Federation, Kazan, Russia

E M Silagadze

City dentistry No. 2

Russian Federation, Kazan, Russia


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© 2020 Salakhov A.K., Ksembaev S.S., Baykeev R.F., Silagadze E.M.

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