Experience of the laparoscopic-assisted stoma creation use in patients with colorectal cancer

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Aim. To demonstrate the advantages of laparoscopic surgery in patients with colorectal cancer compared to traditional surgical intervention.

Methods. A retrospective analysis of 40 patients treatment (the main group) in the Department of abdominal Oncology of the Kursk Regional Oncology Center for the period 2017–2019, who had a pronounced violation of the passage through the intestine due to stenosing by the tumour, was conducted. As a control group, 30 people who underwent open surgery in the volume of a colostomy for the period 2017–2019 was taken.

Results. According to the average duration of surgical intervention, the groups significantly differed (p <0.05), the average duration of surgery in the laparoscopic group was less — 40.5±13.6 min, with laparotomy — 54.5±18.5 min. The volume of blood loss during the operation was greater in the control group and reached 75±40 ml against, 10.5±5.5 ml the differences were statistically significant (p <0.05). The average length of stay in hospital in the laparoscopic group was 4±1 days, which is significantly less than in patients who underwent laparotomy 11±4 days (p <0.05). Postoperative complications occurred in 10% of patients in the control group: seroma of the median wound in 2 patients, ligature fistula in 1 patient. There were no postoperative fatalities in both groups.

Conclusion. The comparison of methods of surgical intervention showed that the results of laparoscopic operations are much better than traditional “open” operations in patients with colorectal cancer since they significantly reduce the duration of the rehabilitation period, accompanied by minor blood loss.

About the authors

D G Brezhnev

Kursk State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Email: brejnev_dmitrii@mail.ru
SPIN-code: 9954-3609
Russian Federation, Kursk, Russia

V V Khvostovoi

Kursk State Medical University

Email: brejnev_dmitrii@mail.ru
Russian Federation, Kursk, Russia

O G Frolova

Kursk State Medical University

Email: brejnev_dmitrii@mail.ru
SPIN-code: 4558-5790
Russian Federation, Kursk, Russia

A S Moskalev

Kursk Regional Oncology Center

Email: brejnev_dmitrii@mail.ru
Russian Federation, Kursk, Russia

O Yu Makhova

Kursk State Medical University

Email: brejnev_dmitrii@mail.ru
SPIN-code: 1271-2899
Russian Federation, Kursk, Russia


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© 2020 Brezhnev D.G., Khvostovoi V.V., Frolova O.G., Moskalev A.S., Makhova O.Y.

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