Effectivenss of complex physical rehabilitation of infants with perinatal central nervous system injury

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Aim. To study the effectiveness of complex physical rehabilitation use in infants with perinatal central nervous system injury.

Methods. A complex examination of children with perinatal central nervous system pathology was performed. Based on identified changes, a method of children complex physical rehabilitation was developed, theoretically proved and tested, including manual relaxing massage and anti-gravity gymnastics. The study included 360 children of the first year of life. Massage was performed starting from 3-4 weeks of a child’s life, the procedure duration was 20-25 minutes. Antigravity gymnastics was performed for 3-4 minutes in children aged 1-2 months, 8-10 min - at the age of 3-4 months, 10-15 minutes - at the age of 5-6 months and older. Course consisted of 15-20 procedures, five times a week.

Results.. Effectiveness evaluation was conducted in two ways: objective and subjective. Objectively: the positive dynamics of neurological symptoms was reported, symptoms of brain hypoxia, regulatory systems tension index were significantly decreased, the sleep-wake ratio normalized, weight gain occurred. Subjectively: 360 parents of children up to 1 year were interviewed. 93.6±1.3% of the respondents were satisfied with quality of care. Omsk region inhabitants satisfaction was 95.45±1.1% and was higher than in Omsk (93.5±1.3%, p

Conclusion. The applied method of complex physical rehabilitation of children of the first year of life with perinatal central nervous system injury showed high efficacy in the absence of side effects and may be reproduced in any institutions where rehabilitation measures are performed.

About the authors

T F Schreider

Medical Rehabilitation Center; Omsk State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Email: tshrejder@yandex.ru

G V Fedorova

Omsk State Medical University

Email: tshrejder@yandex.ru

S N Yakimenko

Omsk Massage School

Email: tshrejder@yandex.ru


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© 2016 Schreider T.F., Fedorova G.V., Yakimenko S.N.

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