To the 150th anniversary of pathological anatomy department of Kazan medical university

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The article presents data on the main stages of formation and development of the pathological anatomy department of Kazan (Imperial) University from department approval under the auspice of Professor A.V. Petrov in December, 1965 to its reorganization by merging of two departments - Pathological Anatomy and Pathological Physiology in June, 2014. Data on the department heads for the 150-year history are summarized, the main directions of scientific research conducted under the department heads supervision are described. Particular consideration is given to the Kazan scientists-pathologists achievements and contribution in fundamental and practical pathological anatomy, related subjects, clinical practice, social sciences, students’ education and doctors of various specialties training. Joint General Pathology department faculty new challenges are identified, namely transition plan generation, educational process radical restructuring in order to optimize it according to modern requirements for the higher and postgraduate education system. Initiated and conducted measures in connection with the department reorganization in the framework of new General Pathology discipline allowing to preserve the pathological anatomy structural and organizational integrity as a basic science, which is also of great practical importance, are presented.

About the authors

A Z Shakirova

Kazan State Medical University

Author for correspondence.

D E Tsyplakov

Kazan State Medical University



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© 2016 Shakirova A.Z., Tsyplakov D.E.

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