Endoscopic removal of esophagus and stomach polyps using ligation device

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Aim. To approbate method of endoscopic removal of esophagus and stomach polyps using a ligation device.

Methods. During the period from 2013 to 2015, 37 endoscopic polyps removal using the variceal band ligation device «G-Flex» (Belgium) were performed to 34 patients (26 women and 8 men) aged 17 to 68 years. Removed polyps size ranged from 5 to 11 mm. Polyps localization was as follows: esophagus abdominal part and stomach cardia - 7 (19%), stomach subcardial part - 2 (5%), stomach body - 19 (52%), antrum - 9 (24%). Before polyps removal, lesions biopsy and gastric juice acidity determination were performed to all patients, in 45% of cases endosonography was performed. According to the histological study results, hyperplastic polyps were detected in 5 (15%) patients, adenomatous polyps - in 29 (85%). In 2 patients the endosonography results revealed submucosal lesion, coming from the mucous membrane muscular layer.

Results. Technical possibilities of the esophagus and stomach polyps endoscopic removal using variceal band ligation device, depending on the lesion location and size, were evaluated. In all cases, regardless of the focus localization and the comorbidity severity, a successful technical surgery performance was achieved in the absence of complications and symptoms recurrence in the early and late postoperative periods. Method advantages and disadvantages, indications for its performance in the inpatient and outpatient settings are revealed.

Conclusion. In certain indications and performance technique adherence, the esophagus and stomach polyps endoscopic removal using variceal band ligation device is a safe and radical method of upper gastrointestinal tract benign epithelial lesions treatment.

About the authors

I M Sayfutdinov

Interregional Clinical Diagnostic Center

Author for correspondence.
Email: isayfutdinov@mail.ru

A I Ivanov

Tatarstan Regional Clinical Cancer Center; Kazan State Medical Academy

Email: isayfutdinov@mail.ru

E V Peganova

Medical and sanitary unit №1

Email: isayfutdinov@mail.ru


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© 2016 Sayfutdinov I.M., Ivanov A.I., Peganova E.V.

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