Experience of the original endocardial electrode use for temporary pacing of cardiac function

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Aim. To assess the effectiveness of the original puncture transvenous temporary endocardial springy electrode use in patients with myocardial infarction complicated by bradyarrhythmias.

Methods. The study included 126 patients with myocardial infarction complicated by acute bradyarrhythmias. The original endocardial electrode was used in 38 patients (main group). Temporary artificial heart rhythm control was performed using endocardial springy temporary puncture electrode in 88 cases of bradyarrhythmias (control group). Written informed consent was taken from all patients who underwent the procedure, and in the absence of contact with the patient decision to perform temporary cardiac pacing was made by a council of physicians.

Results.. Spontaneous pacing interruption occurred in 13 patients of the main group and 32 control group patients at various times of the artificial pacing. Thanks to the used original electrode constructional features, fatal cases were prevented in 11 (84.6%) patients of the main group. In 9 of 32 patients of the control group with impaired pacemaker, cardiac pacing was restored by the electrode re-fixation to the heart right ventricular endocardium. In 23 patients of the control group artificial rhythm was restored by the method of endocardial electrode reposition. The number of patients with a spontaneous interruption of temporary artificial heart rhythm control had a strong correlation with the number of patients with the identified new changes in the electrocardiogram (ST segment elevation with acute recurrent myocardial infarction; r=0.84, p

Conclusion. In case of spontaneous interruption of temporary cardiac pacing caused by the loss of myocardial electrical conduction function in the area of the contact with the electrode, for effective and safe fatal cases prevention endocardial electrodes of the original design use is recommended.

About the authors

A N Osmolovsky

Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Email: Lariza_1970@mail.ru

L V Babenkova

Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University

Email: Lariza_1970@mail.ru


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