The role of ubiquitin and heat shock proteins 27 and 70 in the oxidative modification of proteins and the implementation of dexamethasone-induced apoptosis of tumor cells

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BACKGROUND: Experimental studies of molecular control of the tumor cell’s redox status, which influences the implementation of apoptosis, are relevant for studying the pathogenesis of tumor growth.

AIM: Studying the molecular mechanisms of the participation of ubiquitin and heat shock proteins 27 and 70 in the oxidative modification of proteins, amino acids and the implementation of dexamethasone-induced apoptosis of Jurkat tumor cells in conditions of decreased antioxidant protection by blocking the synthesis of reduced glutathione.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: The effect of the inhibitor of de novo glutathione synthesis buthionine sulfoximine at a final concentration of 1 mM and/or the apoptosis inducer dexamethasone at a final concentration of 10 μM on the content of hydroxyl radical, protein-bound glutathione, carbonyl derivatives of proteins, oxidized tryptophan and bityrosine, ubiquitin, heat shock proteins 27 and 70, number of annexin V-positive cells and caspase-3 activity in Jurkat tumor cells was studied. Using the Shapiro–Wilk test, the normality of the distribution of indicators was assessed. Statistical hypotheses about the differences between the study groups were tested using the nonparametric Mann–Whitney test with a Bonferroni correction; correlation analysis was performed using the Spearman method at a significance level of p <0.05.

RESULTS: In tumor cells of the Jurkat line, exposure to buthionine sulfoximine and dexamethasone was accompanied by a statistically significant decrease in the content of ubiquitin by 24% (p=0.004), protein-bound glutathione by 93% (p=0.003), oxidized tryptophan by 57% (p=0.003), and heat protein shock 70 by 56% (p=0.004), as well as an increase in the concentration of carbonyl derivatives of proteins by 53% (p=0.004), heat shock protein 27 by 104% (p=0.004), associated with an increase in the number of annexin-positive cells by 1296% (p=0.006) and caspase-3 activity by 258% relative to the values in intact cells. The relationship between an increase in the number of annexin-positive cells and caspase-3 activity with changes in the content of protein-bound glutathione, carbonylated proteins, oxidized tryptophan, ubiquitin and heat shock proteins 27 and 70 in tumor cells with simultaneous exposure to both buthionine sulfoximine and dexamethasone has been proven.

CONCLUSION: Blocking de novo glutathione synthesis and stimulating apoptosis causes activation of reversible and irreversible oxidative modification of proteins and amino acids against the background of increased oxidative stress in Jurkat tumor cells.

About the authors

Ol'ga L. Nosareva

Siberian State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7441-5554

M.D., D. Sci. (Med.), Prof., Depart. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology with Course of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics

Russian Federation, Tomsk, Russia

Elena A. Stepovaya

Siberian State Medical University

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9339-6304

M.D., D. Sci. (Med.), Prof., Depart. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology with Course of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics

Russian Federation, Tomsk, Russia

Larisa S. Litvinova

Baltic Federal University named after Immanuel Kant

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5231-6910

M.D., D. Sci. (Med.), Director, Center for Immunology and Cellular Biotechnologies; Prof., Depart. of Fundamental Medicine of the Educational Scientific Cluster “Institute of Medicine and Life Sciences (MEDBIO)”

Russian Federation, Kaliningrad, Russia

Kristina A. Yurova

Baltic Federal University named after Immanuel Kant

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6146-3330

M.D., Cand. Sci. (Med.), Senior Researcher, Center for Immunology and Cellular Biotechno­logies of the Educational Scientific Cluster “Institute of Medicine and Life Sciences (MEDBIO)”

Russian Federation, Kaliningrad, Russia


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Рис. 1. Показатели окислительной модификации белков при дексаметазон-индуцированном апоптозе и влиянии бутионинсульфоксимина в опухолевых клетках линии Jurkat, Ме (Q1–Q3). По оси Х указаны условия культивирования клеток линии Jurkat, по оси Y — единицы измерения полученных результатов. DEX — дексаметазон; BSO — бутионинсульфоксимин; белок-SH — белок, содержащий свободные SH-группы; белок-SSG — белково-связанный глутатион; КПБ — карбонильные производные белков; *p <0,01 по сравнению с группой Jurkat интактные; #p <0,01 по сравнению с группой Jurkat+DEX; ♦по сравнению с группой Jurkat+BSO

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3. Рис. 2. Содержание белков теплового шока (БТШ) 27, 70 и убиквитина при дексаметазон-индуцированном апоптозе и влиянии бутионинсульфоксимина в опухолевых клетках линии Jurkat, Ме (Q1–Q3). По оси Х указаны условия культивирования клеток линии Jurkat; по оси Y — единицы измерения полученных результатов. DEX — дексаметазон; BSO — бутионинсульфоксимин; *p <0,01 по сравнению с группой Jurkat интактные; #p <0,01 по сравнению с группой Jurkat+DEX; ♦по сравнению с группой Jurkat+BSO

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