Heart rate variability in the assessment of «benefit/risk» of infusion therapy

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In order to assess the correctness of choice of medicinal treatment of a disease, safety of intravenous transfusions, the effectiveness of treatment Chosen was a method for the analysis of heart rate variability using a complex of diagnostic functional changes in the cardiac rhythm, «Kardioanalizator “Expert 01”» (СJSC «NPO “Markiz”», Saint-Petersburg). In patients with hypersympathicotonia marked was a tendency for rigidity of cariac rhythm, overstress condition, depletion and collapse of the adaptive systems. Treatment of such patients, including infusion therapy, should be done in a hospital setting. Among patients with hypervagotonia such phenomena are not registered, although the rigidity of the cardiac rhythm is possible in them as well. For this reason, the planning of rehabilitation programs requires an individual approach. Based on heart rate variability indices, formed were groups of patients for outpatient infusion therapy at the ambulatory hospital. Patients with risk factors for development of acute vascular disease should be referred for inpatient treatment.

About the authors

N V Maksumova

Kazan State Medical Academy, Kazan, Russia

Email: neluska@mail.ru

V V Fattakhov

Kazan State Medical Academy, Kazan, Russia

M N Nasrullaev

Kazan State Medical Academy, Kazan, Russia


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© 2012 Maksumova N.V., Fattakhov V.V., Nasrullaev M.N.

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