Assessment of biochemical parameters of blood serum in patients with chronic pyo-inflammatory diseases of the lower extremities

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Aim. To assess the dynamics of wound healing process based on the biochemical parameters of blood serum in patients with phlegmons of the lower extremities treated with various methods of ozone therapy. Methods. Conducted was dynamic monitoring of the biochemical parameters in patients with pyo-inflammatory diseases of the lower extremities. Depending on the method of treatment the patients were divided into three study groups and a control group, 29 people in each. The first group consisted of patients in whon in combination with traditional treatment local ozone therapy was performed. The second group consisted of patients who received intravenous and local ozone therapy in combination with traditional treatment. The third group consisted of patients who received traditional treatment with intraarterial and local ozone therapy. The control group consisted of patients who received traditional treatment. Results. The results showed that during treatment with ozone therapy a relief of endogenous intoxication and a significant improvement in albumin concentration takes place compared with the control group. Conclusion. A more rapid decrease in endogenous intoxication, relief of inflammation at the local and systemic levels occurs secondary to ozone therapy; most effective are intraarterial and local applications of ozone.

About the authors

A A Zasorin

Ural State Medical Academy, Ekaterinburg, Russia


O L Andreeva

Ural State Medical Academy, Ekaterinburg, Russia

N P Makarova

Ural State Medical Academy, Ekaterinburg, Russia

P P Konovalov

354th District Military Clinical Hospital, Russia


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© 2012 Zasorin A.A., Andreeva O.L., Makarova N.P., Konovalov P.P.

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